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Everything posted by angler

  1. I have TAG bars and love the feel compared to stock. Also, I rolled my Shee and I bent the stock steering stem into an "L" and when I put on the new Lonestar stem the bars were straight! That's some tough stuff. With the +1 steering stem they feel great.
  2. When I'm racing, or pushing it hard it slips into neutral often. Really sucks! :wallbash:
  3. I was told that with stock carbs, look under the bowls and the one with the little bb looking thing goes on the left carb. Hope that helps.
  4. Spoke to Jeff at FAST and he thinks I'm running the gas out of the bowls. I need 35s. Sorry for stepping on your thread.
  5. Let me know what you have. Please PM me. I'll get it faster. THX!
  6. I have a stock impeller cover and impeller if you need misc small parts. $20 shipped
  7. Well, when I get into 4th it just slows down like I let off to half throttle, then when i down shift to 3rd it still feels like half throttle. It's not bogging, it just slows down. When I had my Fattys I could get all the way to 6th wide open hauling asssss! But, it took a lot longer to get there than with these CPIs. I was dragging at Pismo and the only banshees that were beating me were really built. And I was hanging right behind them until 4th. From 1st to 4th, my Shee is faster than it's ever been with these CPIs. Thx for the info!
  8. well I just sported my new CPIs (thx Frogger) at Pismo and I also traded up from Fattys and It's pulling hard until I open it up in 4th then it dies like it's running out of gas. I figured it's because I have stock carbs but they're jetted for my port job. I was told that the jets were fine for CPIs. Could it be something else?
  9. BTW, heading to Pismo Sat morn. I see your local. Where abouts?
  10. Thanks. I've seen this one but wasn't sure on the size. I think the blue scared me away. And too rich for my blood.
  11. or let me know what color you have.
  12. bump! I have 2003 LE and only wish it was like yours!
  13. angler


    Let me know if you're going.
  14. Sorry, I just have the stock timing plate right now. I will be upgrading to a 200 watt but I don't know when.
  15. What's left: -Clutch Perch with lever, e-brake, e-brake cable and some wires -Pistons, Rings, Bearings, Clips. Maybe 10-20 rides (2 seasons) no scratches or scars, just some carbon on top -Timing Plate perfect cond. -Reeds/Cages great cond. -Carb Cables, TORS, Carb Caps Great cond. -Sprocket/Disc Guard okay cond. hit a few rocks. If you want pics, give me your email. Just make me an offer to make it worth packing it up and standing in line at the Post Office.
  16. do you guys know how thick the probe is that the rangers use to check for spark arrestors? I found a small stainless sink screen that I was going to through in there until I get those trinity end caps, but the mesh is not too fine. :cool:
  17. Ya, I saw these a while back. They look great! I was waiting for my CPIs to come in to check the size of the end. Trinity said they're end cap is 60mm or 2.37" in dia.
  18. It's vague, but if you search deep enough on line you'll see that you DO need a spark arrestors at Pismo. I called Oceano Dunes and spoke to two people. One was adament that you do need one the other didn't even know what I was talking about. I've there before but I always had one so I didn't sweat it at the gate. Now I don't and I don't want a ticket or worse, get turned back at the gate. I just wish it was more clear. Anyway, thanks for the info.
  19. Just called them. They only sell screens for their 4 strokes. They told me to call CPI. oh well. Back to the drawing board.
  20. Ya, I hate the way those look. I was hoping to put just the screens inside. Trinity makes a set of end caps with screens that look really good but they're $160. I'll check with Alba. Thx!
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