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Everything posted by DOTD

  1. 10 deg adj. Timing plate new....SOLD Thumb throttle w/ TORS tops & cable....$30 shipped Stock bars....$15 shipped Stock rear rotor....$15 shipped Will take pics if you need em. Paypal ID: Samuraiperfrmnce@aol.com Will ship as soon as I recieve payments. I have daily UPS pickup.
  2. Holeshotkid I owe you a BEER!. Went otu to see and sure as shit it was off on 1 side. Popped it back on and fired right up. Thanks Bro!
  3. I will check the tube after dinner.
  4. Yeah they are, I didnt take them out when I did these mods.
  5. Ok well finally after 2 months I got all the parts I needed to fire up the shee. When I parked her 2 mo ago, she was stock motor, FMF Fattys, K&N, Screened milled lid, 310 mains, 27.5 pilots, stock stator and plate. Ok so I tore it down and the top end looked great. Head was smooth no excessive carbon buildup etc. I put on a new Noss coolhead, 20 cc domes, 3800 elev, 3/8 reed spacers, Ricky stator 200w stator, advanced timing +4 deg. New plugs. Went to fire her up, and I kicked her probably 50 times. Alternating. choke on/off, and fiddling with the switch. Nothing. Checked spark and it was good. Checked flywheel pickup gap. right at .02. So now we break out the F150, and drag her. After about 20 ft in 2nd gear, she lights up, but running really crappy. Won't idle, bogging and then revving up high. If you let it die it wont kick start either. So I tried with choke out 1/2 way and it seems a little more responsive, but has trouble idling down. Tried the air screws as well out to 1 3/4 out in 1/2 turn inc. even tried timing set back to zero. Nothing seems to be right. I did not change the gas out of the tank. I think that may be a piece of the problem but it seems like more than that. Possibly need to richen up the pilots? Oh yeah the TORS has been gone since I got her . I run a twist throttle setup.
  6. Hang in there, you will find someone. I traded my old 04 YZ450f racebike for a 00' bone stock Banshee about 6 months ago. My bike had 2 desert race seasons on it and the shee had under 10 hrs on it. The guy bought it new for the wife to ride on their once a year dune trips. But then she decided to divorce him and clean him out so he was liquidating everything. Gave it as a gift, put the bike in his brothers name , and she gets nothing! Ha Ha f@ckin women!
  7. Hey Bansh.... I got bored on lunch one day at the shop and made a few on the CNC. If you dont want to spend the $10 for a "ghetto fab" shiny piece of metal (actually I think the kids nowadays are calling it "Bling Bling") I could just hook you up with one. :beer: Just havin fun Bro. :beer: I like the swinger you run though.
  8. Oh yeah you're right that looks waaayyy cleaner than my shiny piece of metal. :thumb: have you thought of removing that attention grabbing chrome from your pipes too. :baseball_w00t:
  9. WTF? Okay..... I guess if you don't want a clean look to your ride, you could leave the sweet looking brake linkage on, and go spend the $10 on a latte. :yelrotflmao:
  10. It's amazing how f@cking lame people can be. Of course they will all bitch when it gets closed down, and they have nowhere to ride. Well actually most of the people like that arent there to ride. That was cool of you to haul it out Bansh. F@cking cochroaches! CA. is going down the toilet!
  11. It's amazing how f@cking lame people can be. Of course they will all bitch when it gets closed down, and they have nowhere to ride. Well actually most of the people like that arent there to ride. That was cool of you to haul it out Bansh. F@cking cochroaches! CA. is going down the toilet!
  12. HMMMM $20,000 invested huh? Thats why he only wants $6,500 for it huh? Must just be a really nice guy!
  13. I thought about making them get me a new one but I have had the shee torn down for over 2 months now and all I am waiting for is a damn stator. I figured this jackass would jerk me around for at least a few more weeks, so I just placed a call into Ricky Stator today and on Tues. I will have a brand new plug & play 200w stator. Wish I did that 3 weeks ago. Oh well.
  14. Ha Ha yeah that guy is a Liar all around. I did take all the necesary pics, and shipped it UPS through my business acct. So I would have a way to track it. And I made sure to let him know that I did all these things too. I also told him I was going to talk to every bidder he has if he gave me any more bullshit. This is when he started kissing my @ss. I just checked my paypal and he did send the refund, but i am still leaning towards the neg feedback. He flat out lied over and over. and continues to lie to you guys. I am always honest in leaving it, and I leave it as soon as my buyers pay. Not like the sellers that wait to see what you put for them. HMM what do you guys think?
  15. He's playin the old " I had no idea it was used" card. Yeah right you guys are a major so cal dealer! This one is so obviously used it isnt funny. The wires were cut so short you couldnt even connect them. Oh and aparently the original packaging is a plastic bag. What a clown! The guy says he will refund if I send it back. Mon it goes out , If I don't have the $ back in my Paypal by Thurs. I am contacting every bidder he has with all our emails back and forth. That outta get him. Oh and 98 Boner, Id love to hear his response to this one: " do you often send things out stating they are new when they aren't... just wondering before I do business with you.."
  16. Well, I bought a 250 watt stator on ebay. Item # 270016240897. Auction states "brand new in packaging." I ended up paying $81 + 12.00 shipping. I was thinkin SCORE! since It is from Team ECC.com (Escondido Cycle Center) I was not worried about getting scammed. I mean lets face it a $220 stator for $81. Anyways I paid immediately, and I live 3 hrs away from them, so I figured 3 days tops. HA! I contacted them 4 days later and the tell me UPS screwed up it is in Missouri, and they were going to re route it to me. And upgrade to 2 day air. WTF? I call UPS they say it was not their screw up, it was the wron address on the labe. So I get back to ECC. The guy starts talking to me like he's pissed and getting all defensive. So tonight 10 days later I get a box from UPS. Sure enough he put the wrong address. When I open it up, I get a used electrex stator with the wires cut off of it! I'm thinkin WTF. It even had scarring around the mounting holes from the screws. I am so pissed I'm about to drive down there an bounce this thing off his forehead! I am going to Paypal to try for a refund if he doesn' do it next week. Now accepting any ideas for revenge!
  17. DOTD

    Glamis passes!

    Just what does the $ for all the thousands and thousands of passes go to? The line of 10 dumpsters by the tracks that dont hardly get used? I was out there a few months ago, and we camped in wash 10. That was the cleanest area and still a dump. Trash, chairs, ezups, bbq's and caution tape all over. This was 2 weeks after the last big weekend out there only 1 vendor left, hot as hell. they still made us buy a pass. At least at Dumont for the $20 you can see they put in some sh!tters, and toilet paper is stocked. And it is much cleaner. Maybe Dumont people just care more about all our land that is being taken away from us in Ca, and pick up their sh!t. We need to get it together people we are losing all our riding rights! Even the dunes were full of trash. I don't mind paying to go out for the weekend at all but if you want $30 from me for the weekend show me some improvements. Not just the salary of the sand nazi's.
  18. This reminds me of a news story I saw a while ago. A 75 yr old man was burning some leaves in his yard, and threw on a mouse nest he found in the house, and the frickin mouse came running out of the nest on fire and went straight back into his house!. :baseball_bat: Burned the whole house down! No shit I saw this on the news!
  19. All you need is a good 1/2 wide zip tie. Loop and swoop! Then watch him squirm. I hear it only takes about 1 min. :baseball_innocent:
  20. How about the steering stem shipped to Ca. is it straight?
  21. Ingenious idea! Tires on a seadoo!! :yelrotflmao:
  22. Not positive but I think 35 lbs is a little much. Instructions say to go to 20 lbs in 4 steps. :shrug:
  23. Why are you trying to get out of these?
  24. DOTD


    As some of you know, I bought some parts from Broke. A flywheel, and RS timing plate. I recieved the parts and the timing plate was in perfect shape, looks brand new. But I was hesitant to use the flywheel due to me just completely rebuilding my top end. With a new head and domes etc. I understand some would say "when buying used parts thats how it goes sometimes", but this guy manned up, offered the options to run it, or a full refund. I just shipped back the flywheel today, and he has already refunded my money! I would definately be happy to do business with him again. Like the title says: Broke... Truly a class act.
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