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Everything posted by hollisatp

  1. your better off adding the new lights to the bars and keeping the stock ones where they are. you will get a flood with the stock that wont move, and use spots for the handle bars that will move when you turn and a better beam because of the height. Makes a big diff. between stock height and 2 feet up.. just my 2c.. you wont get any movement adding more lights to the frame...
  2. better than the pipes I have now for my mods? I love the twin exhaust and doubt Id give that up...
  3. I think this is something we should all get involved in to try to keep it open.. http://www.sandaddiction.com/help-keep-wash-road-open this article talks about how we can help.. The fences were aparently widened to allow some of the larger mobile homes and trailers through for presidents day week. I think the date for closure is May 31st!!!
  4. had this happen to me!! blew two motors... I had a leak in my radiator. really small leaks at the bottom... I found it by checking the undercarage after riding.. Check for wet spots.. (no not like a fat girl) I found one... took off my rad and did a pressure test.. have a bottle of soap water on hand like you would for a tire leak.. I capped two holes with moded wine corks and the used my compressor set on about 14lb... Im almost sure that the cap is set at 15lb.... spray the rad with the soapy mix and check... I had this + a bad high flow impellor that after a while had a grove wore into it and coolant would leak into the gear case... then after a hard ride when the pressure would build in the case it would puke gear oil out the case air tube... Id start with the rad before you do a rebuild.. better to find it now then after you spend the money.. JMO!
  5. ok... so I have to split the power wire? one to the light switch and the other to the regulator right?
  6. sorry id post a pic if the system would let me looks like a small metal box with only one blue wire coming out..
  7. I have a 250w moose stator with the second power wire. I have one wire hooked up to the stock lights wire with that regulator. The lights work perfectly! I want to use the second power wire for another set of lights. I have another stock regulator but am confused how to hook it up.. Im pretty sure that the wire coming out is power? and that the unit is grounded to the frame? can I just run the power wire, hook it up w/a screw to one of the holes, then connect another wire from the blue to the 2nd set of lights?
  8. ok.. all I did to fix it quick was to add velcro to the flat part of the clamps then to the back of the comp leaving the screw holes open to screw in at a later date..
  9. hey sleeper.. one couple more questions.. I put it back together and am trying to adjust the cable.. The book says to tighten the bearing adjuster (pancake) until the arrows line up on the case and the cable holder.. but nothing moves when I tighten the adjuster on the clutch basket.. the only time it moves is when I unscrew the cable at the lever, but then I cannot get the arrows to line up.. any help appreciated.. the only thing it says is that I cannot get it to adjust right, the cable might be streched too far???
  10. Cool. Thanks tell him I said what's up and hope to see him out there in October.
  11. oh no shit? no prob.. greg is a good guy.. he was probably the calmest person I ever me in a situation like that! So do you think sanding the pads slightly would help? Right now I am only running 3 HD springs.. should O go for all 6?
  12. well the pads are a little glazed.. I think from slipping because of the coolant... my high flow impellor was not a good one and a ring wore into it alowing collant in through the seal.. the steel looks ok. no blueing at all..
  13. I had problems wit this clutch. I would shift and it would slip for a second, then catch and hold.. I had a problem with coolant entering my gear case. I used ATF to try to clean it all out, but when I drained it this time, there was a little bit of the gray sludge left.. I was curious to knw if the clutch looks worn, or it was the leftover collant that caused the clutch to slip?
  14. I have never seen this before?? anyone else?? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Supercharge...1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. well I did not go but... there are gas stations along the way.. some sell the good stuff too... obvious that there are alot of people that do this ride.. all you have to bring is oil and a 2 gallon on your sixpack rack.. Im down for it next time....
  16. awesome man!!! I hope you had your video camera running for that trip!?
  17. yeah.. it is a 4mill.. or was!! it was a air leak in the crank seal..
  18. yeah.. they will.. justr travel sand highway to sweet maries then head left about a mile.. we went to the store and nycmarine has a stock tank.. plenty to get there and back..
  19. yeah... I was camping with wacko2000 and theire crew with docbones.. huge crew!! couple of hyabusa motors in their quads!! f'in sick!! wacko had an air leak in his crank seal and that was the result... he went out and bought a 450 all decked out!! balls... big balls!! lol! they all went out on a long run this morning to the colorado river.. hope all made it!! probably 25-30 people...
  20. Got back last night!!! had a blast!!!! gotta work tomorrow.... only one casualty so far....
  21. I can see air bubbles coming out of the top tube of his cool head. After a while, the cap pressurises and spews coolant out. Did He blow a head gasket? He ran 93 oct and it was backing out the plugs. It was definately predetonating. Any help apreciated. We are in glamis now!
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