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Everything posted by G-MC

  1. How much are you looking to get out of it?
  2. Chuck Norris is a bad ass! That dude neat me at a game of Connect Four... in three moves.
  3. Ooooh, ooooh, pick me, pick me. Very cool...I've wanted a good set ever since I traded the awful pair I bought.
  4. Phuck, I wish you weren't so far away...I've been looking for a CR125. ::
  5. i found myself in love with the world so there was only one thing that i could do was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long
  6. What intriques me is that a gearhead is shopping ebay for candles. JK Yeah, someone got hosed. Unless they smell like Brooke.
  7. At least he went out with a smile on his face doing what he loved. It's like one of us checking out on our bikes. It sure beats wasting away in a nursing home. RIP
  8. Yeah, I heard he had signed a deal with a casino as some sort of show. How the hell is this guy saying he is still broke?
  9. I would love to see Tyson or Kimbo join UFC or Pride. Those guys would get OWNED! Sure, they have a pucher's chance and can take a lick, but who in their right mind would trade bare-knuckle punches with Tyson. As soon as the fight started, their opponent would have them on the mat choking their ass out.
  10. Just hearing the idea of a street legal quad made me nut in my pants. :baseball_w00t: You guys sound like you're definately on the right track with this idea. I've got nothing but love for someone that can see this through into reality. :beer:
  11. I thought it was pretty f'n sharp if you add a little chrome.
  12. No, the pistons come with rings and pins w/ clips, and the bearings come seperate. It's everything you need with the exception of the gasket or gasket material.
  13. Sorry, but I'd rather keep them as a set.
  14. I've got a set of Wiseco Pro-Lite pistons with rings, wrist pins, and bearings new in the box. I bought them for my other shee but it was still good on compression. The part number is 513MO6550 which I believe is 60 over. You might want to double-check the number to make sure. Anyhow, if anyone is interested, I'd take $125 shipped.
  15. Maybe next time I'll get a tatt of a monkey on my back.
  16. You two need to throw some gloves on and just duke it out. lmfao
  17. I gave up on mine and cut it off with a sawzall and bought another bolt.
  18. In my best Matthew Mcconaughey voice: "Alright alright."
  19. Yeah, Lords of Dogtown was pretty good. As far as horror, Hostel was kick ass, Saw 2 wasn't too bad, but Wolf Creek was 2 hours of my life I want back!
  20. BansheeBrian, have you heard the remake of Cat Scratch? Dimebag PHUCKIN' rocks it out. Ted must be proud. Darrell did for the 90's guitar what Metallica did for the 80's and Sabbath did for the 70's. Yeah, out of Tony, Randy, and Zach, Randy's shit is definately the hardest to duplicate.
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