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Everything posted by brugal

  1. I agree with this paragraph 100% Their's a lot of really good information in this thread, once you get passed all the xtra shit.
  2. Cylinder head nuts is 20 ft.-lb.
  3. Heres what I think of snopczynski's big and little box
  4. Thats the bottom line. Ive used both ,I went back to a stock head (rechambered) because my banshee is a sleeper with a 5mm twister. I noticed a 2 -3 degree temperature difference with the coolhead, which isnt much The only real advantage to a coolhead is the interchangeable domes. Oh, and the bling factor.
  5. Those are some really good looking banshees.
  6. I read the post that I quoted wrong. Actually, I just hit the end of the puller with the hammer and the flywheel poped off. I dont think hitting the flywheel with a hammer is a good idea. You could mess up the magnet in the flywheel.
  7. A lean condition can cause overheating. How do your plugs look?
  8. What?? SLO , I think you need lower your dosage of herbal teas , or just quit them all together, SERIOUSLY. Have a cup of coffee, eat a fried pork chop, drink a beer ,,,,,,or twelve. Ever since you started with the teas, you've been on a rampage. Do it for your loved ones.... Remember, Its never to late to GET HELP.
  9. Him going to another site to talk about the B.H.Q. is a pussy move. The reason Loco doesnt bann him is because Loco isnt with all that pussy shit.
  10. I wouldnt use the toaster oven because the temp wont be precise. And you could use this for your own parts and save money.
  11. Its an incomplete sticker kit.
  12. I read this post and thought to myself, i hope SLORYDER doesnt quote and disagee with DAJ.. Damm, you done fucked up now.
  13. Are you the same ninjamaster that had the whole B.H.Q. clown you a few years back?
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