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Everything posted by brugal

  1. I would never send $1,100 bucks to a guy thats been on here for three months.
  2. WHAT? Now your fuckin trippin. This quote makes absolutly no sense to me. Loco's breaking Hillclimb records in this bitch with a "banshee motor" ,going straight up a hill. And Im not even gonna start about drag, are you kidding me? "keeping the Bansh motor does not make sense" Thats crazy talk..
  3. WOW, the head guy at The Banshee HQ is saying that the Banshee is only good for going in a straight line. hahahaha side note: for those who dont know Locogato and Fouledout both have thousands of dollars invested in their Banshees. Both set up to go REALLY fast in a straight line.
  4. You might want to change the gearing, depending on what you have on there now.
  5. Ive had all three quads, the yfz450 is buy far the better all around quad. The one time I ever went to the dunes,the banshee was the winner for me. I just didnt get that ripping feeling with the 4stroke.That being said, the 450 was a more pleasent ride.
  6. Is it alot of smoke? Does it effect performance?
  7. I think their might be some beef with Brock and Dana.
  8. Never heard of the place. What kind of riding??
  9. Im sure there are people on here that think you are. It seems like whenever somebody does not agree with what your saying, you get MAD Almost like your posts cant be questioned.lol Fuck a post count, and fuck a quadzilla!!!
  10. Sounds like somebody wishes it was his kids on MTV.lol, you mad? You can hang the banner up near the banshee and cover the dot com. Either way have fun ,who knows they might even show you riding the banshee. Oh, and well put Daj.
  11. The upgrades did away with the member numbers. I lurked in 02 when I got the banshee,joined early 04. Locogato, NYUK, Meat, Benbb, and Minkia are some of the oldest. Lee doesnt post, but he's definatly the 1st member.
  12. Im just wondering ,why did you change the head gasket?
  13. I dont know ,a kick to the balls can be pretty painfull.
  14. The beard looks like it needs a mustach. lol
  15. I guess Corey Ellis is going to have to find a new sponcer.
  16. I was going to ask about this for corners.
  17. brugal


    Thats her belly button or in this case her gutt crack.
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