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Everything posted by chipdog

  1. just pour brake fluid all over his car
  2. i asked a local down there if he knew where the races are held and he pointed me out to a track that was in the middle of socorro.once i got there, there was a gas station soon as you exit and the man said he owns some land just 2 miles down the road with lots of trails he rides on, said if i ever want to ride over there just stop by his house.gave an address ,but didnt stop there probly take him up on it in a couple of weeks. JOSH let me know if you want to go down there and ill show you were its at. maybe we can stop on a couple of places to ride on the way.
  3. you know what it was about 1 and half hour drive. never been there before. just put in destanation in the navigation system and said 2 hour drive time. it was fun stoped on the way back to ride in a couple places with a lot of hills.
  4. going tomarrow w/ the family to check it out, take the shee and run it out there. it might be possible. it's only a 2 and half hour drive from my house.
  5. WTF you dont even have a banshee. you have a fucken wagon. you probly put your radiator hose under the sink , sit on it and put the faucet in your ass .fucken bundle of sticks.
  6. whats up with the change? socorro . i wonder if all the rain has to do with it because they have bad floods over there in las vegas.
  7. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ i dont think anyone has that set up. if so where do they live ive got sticky fingers. if you want ill leave my garage door open so you can steal my broken (which in insurance company talk = 535 cheetah in a loboII chassis) ass quad. then i can claim it, pay the $500 deductible, and get my cheetah! good fucken idea. why didnt i think of that. you steal mine, ill steal yours just hope we dont have the same insurance's.
  8. i thought that was strictly a honda trick? oh yeah i forgot. you have to race a LIME GREEN car to be fast.
  9. dont forget to paint it LIME GREEN it will go faster.
  10. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ i dont think anyone has that set up. if so where do they live ive got sticky fingers. if you want ill leave my garage door open so you can steal my broken (which in insurance company talk = 535 cheetah in a loboII chassis) ass quad. then i can claim it, pay the $500 deductible, and get my cheetah! good fucken idea. why didnt i think of that.
  11. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ i dont think anyone has that set up. if so where do they live ive got sticky fingers.
  12. dirtrider likes to get fucked in the ass by his dad. thats why he acts that way. you know he tucks and wears his moms dresses and high heals.
  13. dammit, wish i'da known that sooner, now it's too late... RAY CHARLES.
  14. uh umm huuuuuuuuum danga dang dang hum ummmmmmmm {sell it and get a tudor}
  15. yeah half truck half car. just kidding post pics asap el camino's are bad azz
  16. tyson is like a freaking pit bull . he looks like he could rip someones head out of their body. hes out of his prime.10 years ago he was one of the best. today hes the worst.
  17. The other day i was watching the "Pam and Tommy Lee" video, lotsa fake stuff in that one too... bounce bounce
  18. BLASTER still have that slow thing to this day
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