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Everything posted by BansheeJerry

  1. This is funny because I had a dream last night that I went out to the barn and my shee was stripped down to the frame. LOL my wife said I was crying and cussing in my sleep..It was so real that I had to go out and check on my baby at 4am this morning...All is well... AT least I now know what I would do if my shee is stolen...Cry like a baby...I know I am a sissy...
  2. I just got one of those emails where my ebay account has been suspended and I have to enter my username and password to reactivate my account. These fucking people piss me off. Those piece of shit thieves should die a slow painful death. It makes me cringe when I think about how many people who actually enter their info and have their accounts taken over by a low life piece of shit pond scum. I wish I could get my hands on those fucking assholes...
  3. I saw something made by Yamaha that was very wierd looking... The fender was almost glued to the back tire.. Is this the bike you are talking about? I guess I am old school but this thing looked funky.... I have never seen anything liek that before in my life....To each their own I guess... I still like the 86 VFR Interceptor... The V65 Magna is a classic as far as I am concerned..Tells you how long I have been out of the bike scene...
  4. C'mon... I am sure somebody here has enough heart to tell me how to get this gold off my wheels....Please??
  5. Thanks for all the replys.. I love power just as much as the next guy dont get me wrong.. I am just thinking that I can get a brand new 250 for $3,000. I can probably get a beat up 600 for near the same price but in all honesty.. All I want is cheap transportation back and forth to work. I havent rode a street bike in over 10 years.. I never owned a sport bike.. My street bikes are as follows... 1983 Honda 250 Custom (sweet bike with belt drive.. no power but it did its job) 1981 Yamaha XV-920 Euro model. (loved that bike...Absolutely loved the torque and sound. sold it with many regrets..they are hard to find in the condition that I had) 1981 Honda CB750 Custom.(another nice bike that I loved very fast.. but.. didnt handle all that well) I am 33 years old with 4 kids.. We are getting rready to buy a new house about 30 miles from work. All I want is a cheap way to get there and back. I do however think it is cruel to have an engine turning close to 10 grand at highway speeds (ninja 250) but it is a small motor. I did go to the toy store today and sat on a 250 ninja.. Felt small to say the least. I dont know... I appreciate all the input but I am still at the cross roads... I can get a brand new machine for 3k. I wont be doing anything for a few months anyway.. Thats why I asked about this bike. I still have time and alot of thinking to do. Thanks all... Keep the advice coming...
  6. I bought this set of wheels and tires for the shee and cant get the gold color off the wheels. I read a while back that oven cleaner takes it off but it didnt work for me. I know this has been discussed before but if you could help a brotha out I would appreciate it. How do I get the gold off these damn wheels?
  7. I would kill myself on a 600.. I just want something that will carry me back and forth to work cheaply and still have a little get up and go. the 250 ninja tops out at something like 105 mph.(so I read) I havent ridden street bikes in years so I dont want anything that will get me into too much trouble..
  8. I dont want anything too expensive or big. Right now I am seriously considering a ninja 250r. Cheap ($3000 brand new) runs 14s in the 1/4 0-60 in 5-6 seconds(fast enough for me) , cheap insurance.. Anybody have any experience with the 250 ninja? Is this a wise choice for a bike? Going to the toy store tomorow to check them out.
  9. That may be true but I will throw my money with safety wire before tape. I see the physics but the tape deal just dont cut it for me. I would put my money on wire before tape any day.. If it were up to me I would rather drill a very small hole in my axle to make sure the wire will never give than rely on tape. Of course that is just me. This is gonna open a pool of posts saying that drilling a hole in the axle will weaken it... Oh well.... If you are willing to rely on tape then why not?....
  10. No weld for me... Isnt it crazy how much they want for a nut cut in half with a set screw tapped in? I am tempted to try to do the same with a stock nut.. I am sure the metal is too soft.. There isnt any way I am paying $40 for a frigging nut...
  11. I have some stock pipes..... You are more than welcome to them.......
  12. bansheefreak... VERY good point... Pull the clutch...
  13. I am on the eastern shore of Maryland and would love to get together and rip shit up with some fellow east coasters... It is early enough to plan. Lets do it....
  14. In a nutshell if you are jetted in right or dialed in right (however you want to put it) you should be able to hold her wide open until you get tired. If the machine fails,there is a reason it did so. That is unless your shee turns 17ks...
  15. I dont think this will actually keep the nuts from loosening. This would however be a great indicator to let you know that the nut-nuts have moved. Great tip. Thanks.
  16. I had been out of the atv scene since I was 13 around 1984 because I was riding with a friend of mine and watched him flip over and kill himself. Yep right before my eyes people so I sold my new Suzuki 125 trike... Fast forward to last year.. My sister in law wanted to know if I knew anybody who wanted to take over the payments on a quad she had bought brand new for her 12 year old son. I figured if it was for a 12 year old it wouldnt be anything I would be interested in... Anyway... I figured I would look at it anyway because I missed riding atvs. Needless to say after about 5 mins of riding this "crazy blue Yamaha"I knew I had to have this thing... I never knew what a banshee was when I bought my shee. I knew it was faster than I thought any atv should be.. So that was it for me...Hooked...Now I am the proud owner of my 2000 banshee. Needless to say (anybody who has been paying any attention to me since I have joined knows..) I caught the bug and have been modding her since about the first month I bought her. When I bought it I couldnt imagine ANYBODY wanting anymore power than this thing already has... You all know the rest of the story and can certainally relate..
  17. Honda sure did that right. They are a hell of a tough machine!!!
  18. The EX IS out dated... Quote from March 04 DirtWheels (The honda TRX 450) "has outdone the 400EX by leaps and bounds". The 400 ex is still a nice bike. I would love to get one for my wife. Either that or a z400.
  19. Keep the car.. You cant get to your job on the banshee. Banshees will be there when you can buy one. You cant take a date out on a shee either... Quads are fun but keep priorities in order.....
  20. Here is my take...I think it all boils down to this... Yamaha came out with the shee in 1987. Back then there was only one machine that even came close.. The 250R...Nice bike dont get me wrong.. But, Honda canceled the 250R because of lawsuits and the such. I think Yamaha had a damn good start with the Banshee. Other than switching from J-arms to A-arms yamaha figured why mess with a good thing? After all the 250R is gone and the banshee was (and still is ) the king.. Nothing even compares... Right? They keep producing the banshee for many years without fear or challenge. Along comes the tree huggers. We all heard of them right? 4 strokes... The rest is history.. I understand it wouldnt take much for Yamaha to throw a set of better pipes on the banshee but in all honesty why would they? So they can have basicaly a 1987 bike faster than the new almighty YFZ450? Lets be honest here.. They would be shooting theirselves in the foot. If Yamaha sold us a piped shee the YFZ450 would cost alot more than it does now.. Personally I dont care that Yamaha hasnt done more to the Banshee.Shees are great the way they are. I am just glad they have had the balls to keep making our machines. Shitty pipes or not... We all know that we have one great machine.. Why buy one off the showroom with pipes already? You know just as I do we would change them anyway with all the choices out there. Personally I think everything is perfect with the stock Banshee. Great machine with so much potential. Personalize it for your own taste. I could be wrong but that is the way I see it. Kudos to Yamaha. Keep the Banshee the way it is.. Dont change a thing... Just keep building our shees until the very last day they ban 2 strokes... I think I am going out to make love to my shee now....
  21. I got my kit from Rocky Mountain ATV. This was a replacement for the original clutch so no I cant compare it to any other clutch kit. I went with the tusk only because I have 4 kids and I am a tight ass! I plan to buy more Tusk items in the future because I am completely satisfied with their products so far. I am gonna get one of their folding shifters next I guess. Sorry I cant be more help. All I can say is that if you can get a Tusk kit try it. If it turns out it isnt what you like it isnt like you paid out the a$$ for it. Good luck dude.
  22. Are you trying to install the correct ring in the correct groove? The bottom ring is a tad bit thicker than the top.
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