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G force axle


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lots of people rock them on hear and swear by them. DDQ he use to be on here alot but sold the banshee for a 250r but anyway he bent his but he was about 20 feet in the air and landed on a flat so i dont think any axle out there wouldnt bent alittle. theres acouple post on here about them have a look i will look aswell but i would recomend them i got one rolled my bike good once lol still straigh

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I tell you what if I had to do it all over again, the next time around I will be buying a g-force, they are sweet and for the price you have to be loco to go with any other brand...

I have a durablue and I dont like it at all, I dont think the quality is anything special etc...My bike is fresh, just finished a rebuild and I do not like my durablue, Zach from the hq has a g-force and they even look better than the durablue, I just put one on my boys 400ex, he loves it...


If I where you, Id be buying the g-force..I think I paid 309.00 for my durablue but it came with a good lock axle nut...I dont think the g-force come with one, but buy it seperate for like $40 and your still ahead of the game...

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gforce comes with a locking nut. big aluminun bitch. dont know if its any good. never had to mess with it so???. not that this means anything but they are about twick the thickness off the stock axle. and dont taper down as the go out to the ends like the stock one does. it stays the same size.

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