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hows the 'shee of gas?

The Blaze

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it really depends on youre riding style, the mods youve done to the engine, what tyres you have (bald tyres ovver higher fuel economy) and youre jetting.


chase has roughly half the fuel economy as i do, although hes got a drag ported 10millimetre stroker and alot of other go fast parts so that is to be accepted.


my praticular banshee gets 60 miles to the tankfull when i ride agressively on flat trails. i think the banshee has about a 3 gallon tank, so thats around 20 miles per gallon. by the way those numbers are gps verified. so no im not just pulling numbers out of my ass. i have gps which tells me my total distance traveled and i have to ride back to basecamp on reserve if i stay out long enough to go 60 miles.

now im not running hard core swamp tyres or scat trak paddle tyres. im running oem dunlops which are a fairly fuel efficent offroad tyre. if i were to run paddles my mileage would drop, and if i ran tyres which have a smooth low resistance tread pattern (like a garden tractor type tyre) or if i just ran tyres with worn out treads, my fuel conomy would go up.


jetting and air filter maintence plays a big role as well. i run my bike with the right jetting lean enough to have a good strong powerband jet rich enough to not hole a piston. i know alot of 2 strok owners tend to jet their bikes WAY rich on the premise that "rich is safe" but honestly running rich isnt any safer than putting youre jetting at the right spec for youre conditions. only lean jetting is dangerous on a 2 stroke so there isnt anything to be gained by running these things pig rich. id be willing to bet most all banshees are jetted way too rich. where i ride there are alot of them and at idle through half throttle some of these engines are so rich they sound like a 4 stroke and really lack low and midrange power because of it. if you are one of those guys who never cleans their air filter then youre mileage will drop. dirty air filters are a restriction and they literally act like a cold start choke, exxept they dont go away once the engine warms up, the engine stays choked and rich untill you clean the filters.


a friend of mine has a banshee with very similar modifications as mine and he runs some huge main jets and pilots. his needle is also adjusted to be real rich. his fuel economy sucks compared to mine. his exhaust awalys smokes alot and spits out oil. plus he fould out plugs all the time. ivce only fouled out 1 plug sence i got my banshee almost a year ago and i think that was my fault for putting too much anti-seize on the threads. my exhaust only smokes when the engine is cold or if i run it REALLY hard and heat the exhaust up enough to start burning out the oil that gets in the mufflers.


if you spit oil out the exhaust you are probably too rich. and oil has no lubrication benefits when its in the exhaust so youre basically wasting it.


so basically, the point i am trying to make is that no one can tell YOU what fuel economy YOU are going to get. each bike and rider and riding location is different and all of these things have a huge impact on the end result. you have to go out and ride it to figure out what kind of fuel economy you can get.

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Jezze, damn good answer csrmel. Im going to stick some bigger jets in and keep my neddel jet in the middle. I know I will be rich but I want to know how rich I will be with the cold factor thats going on here. Then I will dial it in tits on. I dont agree with the running rich so your sure your getting enough lubrication either. If you fine tune your jetting there should be no reason to run rich and lose out on power. Plus if you fine tune your jetting for weather you will know what jets you need everytime the weather changes. I always go rich when I change something then I work my way to dead on.

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I think my last ride in the desert was like 38 miles when I hit reserve. I had a 2 gallon tank strapped to my 6pack rack to finish the 60 mile ride in the desert. Hill climbs, washouts, woops, sand, straight-a-aways, make your own trails and just about everything. Speeds varied from WOT to second gear for steep climbs.

That might help.

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Yeah, it is way to hard to say what the consumption is going to be. So, yes you need to just go ride and see how it pans out.............

i agree 100%. there's just way too many variables that will affect it, therefore every shee is different. if that's your only reason of doubt over getting a shee, don't let that stop you. there's lots of ways around it if shee is hard on gas. use your imagination.

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