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The most functional word.


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Well, it's shit .. that's right, shit!

Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.




You can get shit-faced, Be shit-out-of-luck, Or have shit for brains.


With a little effort, you can get your shit together, find a place for

your shit, or be asked to

shit or get off the pot.



You can smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forget


And tell others to eat shit.



Some people know their shit, while others can't tell the difference

Between shit and shineola.


There are lucky shits, dumb shits, and crazy shits. There is bull shit,

horse shit, and chicken



You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the

shit, or duck when the shit

hits the fan.


You can give a shit or serve shit on a shingle.


You can find yourself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit.


Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit,

And some days are just plain shitty.


Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, and there are

times when you feel like



You can have too much shit, not enough shit, the right shit, the wrong

shit or a lot of weird shit.



You can carry shit, have a mountain of shit, or find yourself up shit

creek without a paddle.


Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you fall in

a bucket of shit and

come out smelling like a rose.



When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block

of the English language.


And remember, once you know your shit, you don't need to know anything



You could pass this along, if you give a shit; or not do so if you don't

give a shit!


Well, Shit, it's time for me to go. Just wanted you to know that I do

give a shit and hope you

had a nice day, without a bunch of shit. But, if you happened to catch

a load of shit from some


Well, Shit Happens!!!

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Well, it's shit .. that's right, shit!

Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.


You can get shit-faced, Be shit-out-of-luck, Or have shit for brains.


With a little effort, you can get your shit together, find a place for

your shit, or be asked to

shit or get off the pot.

You can smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forget


And tell others to eat shit.

Some people know their shit, while others can't tell the difference

Between shit and shineola.


There are lucky shits, dumb shits, and crazy shits. There is bull shit,

horse shit, and chicken



You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the

shit, or duck when the shit

hits the fan.


You can give a shit or serve shit on a shingle.


You can find yourself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit.


Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit,

And some days are just plain shitty.


Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, and there are

times when you feel like



You can have too much shit, not enough shit, the right shit, the wrong

shit or a lot of weird shit.

You can carry shit, have a mountain of shit, or find yourself up shit

creek without a paddle.


Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you fall in

a bucket of shit and

come out smelling like a rose.

When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block

of the English language.


And remember, once you know your shit, you don't need to know anything



You could pass this along, if you give a shit; or not do so if you don't

give a shit!


Well, Shit, it's time for me to go. Just wanted you to know that I do

give a shit and hope you

had a nice day, without a bunch of shit. But, if you happened to catch

a load of shit from some


Well, Shit Happens!!!


I never really thought about it but I will agree with SHIT! :beer:

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Well, it's shit .. that's right, shit!

Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.


You can get shit-faced, Be shit-out-of-luck, Or have shit for brains.


With a little effort, you can get your shit together, find a place for

your shit, or be asked to

shit or get off the pot.

You can smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forget


And tell others to eat shit.

Some people know their shit, while others can't tell the difference

Between shit and shineola.


There are lucky shits, dumb shits, and crazy shits. There is bull shit,

horse shit, and chicken



You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the

shit, or duck when the shit

hits the fan.


You can give a shit or serve shit on a shingle.


You can find yourself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit.


Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit,

And some days are just plain shitty.


Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, and there are

times when you feel like



You can have too much shit, not enough shit, the right shit, the wrong

shit or a lot of weird shit.

You can carry shit, have a mountain of shit, or find yourself up shit

creek without a paddle.


Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you fall in

a bucket of shit and

come out smelling like a rose.

When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block

of the English language.


And remember, once you know your shit, you don't need to know anything



You could pass this along, if you give a shit; or not do so if you don't

give a shit!


Well, Shit, it's time for me to go. Just wanted you to know that I do

give a shit and hope you

had a nice day, without a bunch of shit. But, if you happened to catch

a load of shit from some


Well, Shit Happens!!!

That was a shit load of typing. :yelrotflmao:

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both of those word actually have stories of orgin..

shit- back in the settlement days, the english ships brought over fertilizer in the bottom of ships and sometimes shippers would ship good like tea and spices. well to get them at a cheaper rate(shipped) they were putting those boxes with the cow poo and everything was getting messy since the ship hands did not know what were in these boxes( wooden crates) so long story short shit+ ship high in transit was the solution to the goods being stack in poo thus s hit was printed on box.



fuck during the same time was from when a husband or wife was caught cheating. the charges were painted on the stocks for all to see f.u.c.k. fornication under carnal knowledge short.





i know its probably to much info right begin the bashing! don

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what about the old saying (shit fuck fire)

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