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ricky stator too much:blowing bulbs

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Call RS and see what they say...

I don't think there is a regulator for the headlights, only the tail...or is that a recitifier....


Ask RS if you need to run higher Wattage bulbs with that 200W stator, I think stock stator is like 80W, but not sure.


I thought the 200W stator was if you planned on running those HUGE headlights...

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Come on guys think about it. If you just turn one headlight on on the banshee does it blow up because your not runnign 2?




Headlights need voltage regulation on the banhsee, you might need a new voltage regulator (It regulates everything except for the lines coming out of the CDI. (for your spark plugs).



Power is Voltage times the current the headlights pull... P=V*I but what the lights need is abotu 12V, the total power the lights take depends on their current pull. 35watt 55 watt 100 watt bulbs for the banshee are all 12V...

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I'd call RS and see what they say....


Did the instructions say anything about using different wattage bulbs in them? I don't see anything about it on his site.

Yes, call Ricky stator. Those guys are smart & honest. I sent my CDI unit, coils & stator to them for testing. They found it to be good & did not charge me at all, just had to pay for shipping.

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if you are not fussy go to radio shack or circuit city and get a 13 volt bleeder that is rated for up to 200watts. i have one on mine with a ricky stator 200watt unit and it workes fine. its been on there for about a year now with no trouble. The 13 volt bleeders are really small too and take up way less space than the stock banshee regulators. just wire um up inseries and away you go.

the cost about 12 dollars canadien so the should be almost free down there.

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