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Allright Comp.. geeks check it out

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Well, I got her up and running, and wouldnt ya know... As soon as I turned her on,,, Boom right to the BIOS. Nice... So I tweaked her a bit and then loaded XP pro. So far so good. Takes forever to update all the drivers (Mobo bios, drivers, Graphics card shit). But she is up and running. I will attach a pic, when I get a chance. What I like the most is the Case, it has 3 analog guages on the front that light up blue, they read the Processor temp, Fan speed and volume in Db.


Lee, that thing is humungous, what does that weigh??? 125 pounds?

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Yes, when I built up my comp last year I liquid cooled it. The water heatsinks cool both the CPU and the vid card.


It doesn't sub-cool the processor, just eliminates the need for fans on each. keeps it around 95 degrees and is quiet. With the stock P4 heatsink/fan it ran about 130 degrees.


This is the kit I used, made by Evercool:




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  • 3 weeks later...

I dont think I have the balls or the need to liquid cool mine yet,, It just looks like a PITA to set up. Plus my processor temp is around 90 degrees just after running Quake 4 so I think Ill be ok.

But the latest update:

I decided to buy the second video card, well, I bought it, then had to RMA it because if I am going to combine them (Crossfore for ATI), then I should have purchased a crossfire master card which is 510$, so that is on its way along with a new MoBo, because I purchased a MoBo with an Invidia chipset and didnt think about that part when I got the one I did. So I have a new ASUS on its way that is what I need. So I have to tear her apart and reassemble it with the new gear.

But this thing has been running like a raped ape, so I can just imagine how it will be with 2-512 MB ATI cards. I am so excited..

Anyone know why I would need 2 LAN connections on the new MoBo I am getting? It has 2 built in, and I can figure why I would need 2 of them.



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