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Alcoholics spot

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don`t argue bri, save them a seat. but for the grace of god there go i.



when i drank i drank anything that was wet.the free er, the better.i drank mine then i wanted to drink yours.i had to stop because i was allergic, i would brake out in handcuffs twice before the weekend.

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ok so was it really needed for you to read the title and see alcoholics spot then post in it saying you dont drink. If your trying to make a point I dont really care :flamewar:

daaaaaaaaaamn! someone sounds a little over sensitive. i think thats a sign of trouble ahead.


i dont drink either....HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOOOOOOOOOW??!



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ok so was it really needed for you to read the title and see alcoholics spot then post in it saying you dont drink. If your trying to make a point I dont really care :flamewar:



I think the one actually trying to make the point is you... "Look how cool I am.. I'm going to start an alcohol thread so everyone will think I'm awesome."



Personally, I'm getting a little tired of all the "drunk this", "drunk that", "blaze up", bullshit and every other drug reference... it gets old!



Now, before you call me a prude, I do drink.. just don't go out of my way to make sure everyone knows it.

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I'm pretty old school here, but I only drink Miller High Life. I bring home a 12 pack, pop one, throw two in the freezer and the rest in the fridge. I keep that rotation up until I'm done. usually 6-7. Dont really like booze per se, hate Whiskey, Bourbon and such. Only booze I like at all is Tanguray (SP?) and tonic with a twist of lime. Drink that rarely. Used to really like tequuilla when i was younger and working construction, got in too many "scrapes" while indulging in that crazy shit though. Give me a few beers, a camp fire in the pit with my family and friends and a grill and I'm good to go.

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I am a party man.... I'll take a few beers with me on the quad (not saying it is smart) and a Keg with the crew on the weekends!



Used to really like tequuilla when i was younger and working construction, got in too many "scrapes" while indulging in that crazy shit though.




Party man myself , i do like to bring a FEW beers when we go out, defintly not smart but remember its my life not yours ...... I still am in the construction busiesnss , i used to do roofing with alot of alchahol in me and i learnd my lesson ..... i hate ladders....





i was allergic, i would brake out in handcuffs twice before the weekend.


lol nyuk that was a good one .... your stuffs on the way let me know if you need anything else free, and i will do my best into helping a fellow bhq'er out.


Thanks for the hardware and mounts again

Edited by chase@miamiatv.com
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I like budweiser myself I used to get drunk in the U.P. at the bars an ride home , My buddie would always fall off his quad at about 70 mph never got hurt though. I seen him the other day an told him I missed the good ole times :beer:

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yea im a beer man myself.had a few (roughly 20) jack and cokes at a wedding over the weekend but it was an open bar.haha so i was allowed lol.gimme a bud and a slab of ribs and im good to go.ive done that whole bong a 12 pack before trail riding thing.im not too crazy bout it though.them trees tend to jump out in front of ya then :beer:

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yea im a beer man myself.had a few (roughly 20) jack and cokes at a wedding over the weekend but it was an open bar.haha so i was allowed lol.gimme a bud and a slab of ribs and im good to go.ive done that whole bong a 12 pack before trail riding thing.im not too crazy bout it though.them trees tend to jump out in front of ya then :beer:


That many and a Banshee= :flamewar:

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daaaaaaaaaamn! someone sounds a little over sensitive. i think thats a sign of trouble ahead.


i dont drink either....HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOOOOOOOOOW??!




Waaaaaay far beyond like,hon!


I remember long ago making road trips to up to the giant N.H package store up in N.H and loading up.I thought it was the greatest because booze was cheap and I could roam a packy with a shopping cart!! Yup, I had a problem.

We'd go to Wells eat lobster get plastered and swerve our way back to CT.Ship of fools or car of idiots.All growed up now!!

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