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Madonna has lost her mind


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have you all heard about madonna's new tour? i was just reading about it on yahoo news


During the lady of the hour's brief forays offstage to change, video montages depicting members of the Bush administration and British Prime Minister

Tony Blair interspersed with shots of Hitler,

Osama bin Laden and Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe kept the adoring crowd entertained, er, enraged, er? uncomfortable.




Nowadays we've got the married mother of two perched atop a kinked-up carousel horse--minus the horse--on a saddle that looked more like a Hell's Angel's idea of black leather heaven. The non-animal bobbed up and down while the diva gyrated in time with "Like a Virgin." In the background, images of the broken bones Madonna suffered in a horse-riding accident last year flashed on huge video screens.


self-important bitch :rotflmao: like anyone fucking cares that you fell off a fucking horse a year ago.


She also managed to antagonize anyone not already busy boycotting The Da Vinci Code with the crown of thorns she donned and the 20-foot-high mirrored cross she perched on during her '80s-era ballad "Live to Tell."


lame bitch


To remember the night of 1,000 images, concert-goers can pop for a variety of souvenir goods, from $10 sheets of stickers to $85 long-sleeve tees.


greedy bitch


not to mention tickets were $350 a pop. can you imagine???

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I think she's gone nuts.


i really think she has. i mean, rebelling against christianity and trying to shock people and being overly sexual is one thing *yawn* but the whole political thing and showing pics of her broken bones from falling off a horse :rotflmao: please. shes lost it. another self-important hollywood limosine liberal gone over the deep end.


and im sick of seeing her old ass in all those pseudo sexual yoga positions, creeps me out. congradulations, your rich and have all the time and money in the world to stay in shape. we're all happy for you, now put on some pants woman, and grow up.

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The female version of Tom Cruise.


yea pretty much.


can someone tell them that george bush and/or christianity and/or modern medicine says that its wrong to shoot yourself in the head? im thinking some reverse psychology may work here.

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dont like her music, but she is one damn cool bitch


what makes her cool? i thought you were against religion and anyone who is religious. madonna is VERY religious.


my god youre numb.

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um but she takes it to a level that is not to the liikg of most  religious people


so  my darling, youre the numb one here

she cause contraversy, and that is good


huh? shes taken her religious beliefs to an extremely high level. she even changed her name for her religion.


so you like the really super extremely religious people but not the normal everyday religious person??

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ahh contrvesry is good expically when it envolves religion, she offended many religious people,, goota love that


BUT if you really wann offend religious people, she is only the small fry compared to this band



ahh hails -l-




and after that even the pope said thsi band must be stopped!!


ashah the fuckin pope and metal -l-

Edited by helldriver
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ahh contrvesry is good expically when it envolves religion, she offended many  religious people,, goota love that


BUT if you really wann offend religious people, she is only the small fry compared to this band

ahh hails -l-




yea but she isnt controvercial with her own religion. she hasnt offended anyone within her own religion. just the catholic church. so are you only against catholics??

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how ever you can stir up shit


remember sinad o'conner ripping up the pic of the pope?


shes religiious  and she offended many people, that was funny as hell


i think you need to grow up.

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