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i got into a fight


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ok put it this way, i didnt record anything, he was tlaking to me through a microphone so it saved each thing he said, i sent those to her and she was like "Can i show him this?" and i was like i dont care. thats what mad him mad i guess, this kid is big into drugs and he is a complete psycho. you guys would understand if you knew him...

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Sounds like you were the one to get your ass beat...LOL, I read where you were pushed into a pole, had your head beat into the curb and punched a lot in the back of the head....all I remember seeing you did was knock him in the mouth once.


Sorry man, I think you got punked!



Yeah, Id have to agree... You win some and you lose some. But I dont really think you won this one.....



the point was to show a girl that i care about her, i dont even know her, if someone comes up to you swinging his fists, what the fuck else are you gonna do? me and my homies are headin over to his house today and that'll be the end of it so you'll all find out about the rest later on tonight or tomorrow.



Here you say that you dont even know her...


she is a good friend, ive known her for a year, we talk alot but i dont know much about her. she is a very good friend though , if you say that im a bitch for standing up for a girl, i dont know what all the rest of you would be...



Here you say that you have known her for a year and is a really good friend...



Which is it? Stand up for a girl by all means. But dont pick a fight that you cant win. Being a cockblock is what started the fight. Sounds like to me it was a one on one fight and you got the worse end of it. If you go over to his house tonight with ur "homies" and jump him, then ur a big pussy.

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Yeah, Id have to agree... You win some and you lose some. But I dont really think you won this one.....

Here you say that you dont even know her...

Here you say that you have known her for a year and is a really good friend...

Which is it? Stand up for a girl by all means. But dont pick a fight that you cant win. Being a cockblock is what started the fight. Sounds like to me it was a one on one fight and you got the worse end of it. If you go over to his house tonight with ur "homies" and jump him, then ur a big pussy.



yeah, i know i lost this one. he is the same size as me and i know i can take him. and i aint said im gonna jump him. i just gotta think about this and see how much shit i can actually get into. i did get the bad end of it all and lemme explain all this about danni again. i've known her for a little more than a year, but i dont know her too well. we talk a lot and hang out everyonce in awhile and i really care about her. i dont like her, it aint puppy love, all i was doing is standing up for her.

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ha i love post's like this, but yea sounds like you took the worst of it, althno I guess u could use it to ur advantage to get some ass...i can see it now - "Baby cmon just a little sucky sucky, I mean i got the shit kicked out of me for you baby"


but yea, don't be gay and bring ur friends along with you, just shows that ur too big of a bitch to handle the situation on your own...if your gonna start shitr with him again, do it by yourself but try not to get your ass beat again, cuz believe it or not you can get fucked up permanantly :confused:

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ha i love post's like this, but yea sounds like you took the worst of it, althno I guess u could use it to ur advantage to get some ass...i can see it now - "Baby cmon just a little sucky sucky, I mean i got the shit kicked out of me for you baby"


but yea, don't be gay and bring ur friends along with you, just shows that ur too big of a bitch to handle the situation on your own...if your gonna start shitr with him again, do it by yourself but try not to get your ass beat again, cuz believe it or not you can get fucked up permanantly :confused:



i know i can and i know hes gonna eventually come back cuz danni wont talk to him now.

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I think it is very honorable to stand up for a lady, BUT, sometimes it's best not to get involved in something that really doesn't involve you. Yeah, if you see a girl get smacked in the face don't just sit there and watch, but to fight another guy because he likes your friend and she doesn't like him is just plain retarded. He may be a druggy, psycho, or whatever but it's not your responsibilty to clean up her mess; especially if she is not your girlfriend. Obviously she must have done something with him to make him go bonkers over her...Being that he is "unpredictable", do you really want to get involved in something that could potentially endanger your life over some he said, she said bullshit? :shrugani: Is this "good friend" (the girl) worth getting beat down for?


Again, I think it's great to hear about you standing up for the chick but to get beat down once, and then go back for more beatings for nothing is either 1. really, really stupid, or 2. something else is behind all this and she's more than just a "friend".


I don't know of any man to take a beating just for the hell of it, unless they starred in Fight Club :lol:

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sorry to hear about the ass kicking man but i was wondering what did you get thrown in jail for the first time.


i didn't know that getting your ass kicked was against the law.



i been arrested twice

1. i forgot what its called, but we made bombs in town and was blowing them up.

2. criminal tresspassing, me and the kid that i got into a fight with (we were friends at the time) went into a house.

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I think it is very honorable to stand up for a lady, BUT, sometimes it's best not to get involved in something that really doesn't involve you. Yeah, if you see a girl get smacked in the face don't just sit there and watch, but to fight another guy because he likes your friend and she doesn't like him is just plain retarded. He may be a druggy, psycho, or whatever but it's not your responsibilty to clean up her mess; especially if she is not your girlfriend. Obviously she must have done something with him to make him go bonkers over her...Being that he is "unpredictable", do you really want to get involved in something that could potentially endanger your life over some he said, she said bullshit?  :shrugani:  Is this "good friend" (the girl) worth getting beat down for?


Again, I think it's great to hear about you standing up for the chick but to get beat down once, and then go back for more beatings for nothing is either 1. really, really stupid, or 2. something else is behind all this and she's more than just a "friend".


I don't know of any man to take a beating just for the hell of it, unless they starred in Fight Club :lol:



i dont know, i just got myself into something and stuff, i just got off the phone with mike and now everything is cool i guess. he said i moved his jaw and moved his teeth out of place. i guess thats where some of the blood came from besides his lip.

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first off i definitly think you stuck your head in where it didnt belong ,if your gonna get involved confront him face to face like a man ,it makes yo u look like a total phukin pussy when your secretly recording conversations ,think about it, she fucked you over anyways, by telling him so wha t did yo u gain? (a beaten body?,a hurt ego ?) as it should be ,id pull up and kick your ass if you did that shit to me ,for al l you know, you may be in the wrong and taken things out of context and heard only one side ,grow up if you have a problem walk directly up to the guy and express your disgust tell him " hey fucker ,its yo u and me and my fist " then fight , he didnt sucker punch yo u BTW, he had a plan , he intended to show yo u what happens to nosey fuckers who put their nose were it doesnt belong, face it... you screwed up big time and got a proper beatdown ,your young and retarded ,and at the end of the day what did you gain ? did you give her the shocker or a dirty sanchez ? no... the other dude who fucked you up is probably hittin it from behind as we speak. woman drive guys to do crazy things ,so learn the lesson now before you grow up and end up getting shot cause your a tard and piss with taken woman :cheers:

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