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Softer Seat for my YFZ

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i was looking at new rides the other day at the shop, and decided if i was to get a 4stroke, it would be a craptor over the yfz450. mostly because of the shitty seat and ergo's on the yfz. the craptor felt a lot more comfortable. damn, those new grey and white color schemes look sweet on the raptor and shee's. and a 700 raptor :evil::headbang: couldn't resist looking up the new griz either on yamaha's site. i might have to get another job though :confused:

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Take a hypodermic needle and inject rubbing alcohol into the foam. It will break down the foam, making it softer. Do a little at a time so you don't get it too soft.


I do this on stiff snowboard boots in the foam areas that give my feet blisters. I suppose it would work for you, too.


That relavent enough for you?


Didn't you post a while back about your sore thumb? :cry:

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Take a hypodermic needle and inject rubbing alcohol into the foam. It will break down the foam, making it softer. Do a little at a time so you don't get it too soft.


I do this on stiff snowboard boots in the foam areas that give my feet blisters. I suppose it would work for you, too.


That relavent enough for you?


Didn't you post a while back about your sore thumb? :cry:


Why dont you come up here to Sand Mt. UT and put your money where your mouth is.

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Why dont you come up here to Sand Mt. UT and put your money where your mouth is.



Dude, wtf is you problem. At least he tried to give you some advice!!! Learn to take a friggen joke once in a while.... Maybe lee should give you one of those big ass chill pills :shrugani:

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Victoria's Secret.


Quit being a puss. Whats wrong with you? Got hemoroids or sumthin'?




um u did ask or did you forget that you posted a question on here looking for information..my god man on a public site looking for info then sais you would ask if you wanted his oppinion on the question you just ask..momma mosta drank a bit when you were in the whomb


Hmmm......lets see. Did you read the whole post or just the last part?? I'm soooooooo sorry I hurt everyones feelings........... its human nature for when people start to talk shit to other people they talk shit back. At least last time I checked thats how it works. So why dont you go ahead and keep your lips on sandstar ass a littte longer, I think hes starting to like it.

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Im' sorry I hurt your feelings ohfivebanshee.


I need to remember that there are sensitive people in here.


How much does your girlfriend weigh?


Dude, its pretty fuckin hard to hurt my feelings. I work in a Prison around 144 convicted felons for murder, rape, robbery, etc. I've heard all of the bullshit you could ever think of saying. But if you talk shit to me, you are going to get it back in return. Plain and simple as that.


And fyi- My girl is a fucking 10. Blond with blue eyes 5"4 105lbs.

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Dude, its pretty fuckin hard to hurt my feelings.  I work in a Prison around 144 convicted felons for murder, rape, robbery, etc.  I've heard all of the bullshit you could ever think of saying.  But if you talk shit to me, you are going to get it back in return.  Plain and simple as that. 


And fyi-  My girl is a fucking 10.  Blond with blue eyes  5"4 105lbs.



Got a pic of her?

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Dude, its pretty fuckin hard to hurt my feelings.  I work in a Prison around 144 convicted felons for murder, rape, robbery, etc.  I've heard all of the bullshit you could ever think of saying.  But if you talk shit to me, you are going to get it back in return.  Plain and simple as that. 


And fyi-  My girl is a fucking 10.  Blond with blue eyes  5"4 105lbs.


you just described my golden retrever....blonde 5''4 (when she standing on hind legs)blue puppy eyes but only wiighs like 102lbs..oh and my girl she is between a 7and 8.5..5'7 long brown curly hair green eyes 135-140 lbs.teacher,awesome person and she rides a banshee..difference betywwn my girl ans yours is mine is real

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you just described my golden retrever....blonde 5''4 (when she standing on hind legs)blue puppy eyes but only wiighs like 102lbs..oh and my girl she is between a 7and 8.5..5'7 long brown curly hair green eyes 135-140 lbs.teacher,awesome person and she rides a banshee..difference betywwn my girl ans yours is mine is real


-_--_--_- Are still talking fuckface? :yank::yank:

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-_-  -_-  -_-  Are still talking fuckface? :yank:  :yank:



Man, you should just calm down and relax a little....if this shit is bothering you that bad, then don't keep posting in this thread and egging it on! If you would just take the advice that has already been given and go on...the smartass remarks back and forth will stop. It's not that hard to figure out :shootself:

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