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28,000 i heard this was legit on the radio too

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"Unfortunately, on June 30th, 2005, Toby will die. I am going to eat him. I am going to take Toby to a butcher to have him slaughter this cute bunny. I will then prepare Toby for a midsummer feast. I have several recipes under consideration, which can be seen, with some pretty graphic images, under the recipe section." :drool:





does that wabbit have no ears? :huh:

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i swear the first time i saw that, months ago, he was donating the money he made to the tsunami victims, but now, no mention of it :shrugani:

good scheme though. i remember a couple years ago some chick statred a site after she lost her job saying, donate to help me pay my bills. thats it. no pics, no nudity, nothing. just hey send me money, and she got it.

we should come up with a scheme like that. ill build the website for anyone who does!!



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thats a pretty good friggin idea if you ask me.whats illegal about it?people are always lookin for way to get money quick.who cares about animal activists its no different than bringing a pig or duck or something like that to the butcher.its all in how its wording that makes it fucked up.ive eatin rabbit, its actually pretty good.and for all the people who sent him money shame on them, its not his fault for people being so stupid.i hope he eats the damn thing anyway, and has a good wine to go with it. :cheers:

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