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WA: sheriff seeks sand dune alcohol ban


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Grant sheriff seeks sand dune alcohol ban


This story was published Saturday, April 9th, 2005


By Lynne Miller, Herald Basin bureau


MOSES LAKE -- Last year's Memorial Day weekend was jam-packed with accidents, many alcohol-related, at the Moses Lake and Beverly sand dunes.


But this year the Grant County Sheriff's Office hopes the holiday will be different and is supporting a year-round ban on alcohol at both locations.


A public hearing on the proposed ordinance is set for 1:30 p.m. April 18 during the county commissioners' meeting in Ephrata.


Deputy Prosecutor Steve Hallstrom, who is writing the ordinance, said the sheriff's office and the commissioners want the ordinance in effect by May 1, well before Memorial Day.


"Hopefully, it will cut down on accidents from errors in judgment," Hallstrom said. "We're not trying to keep people from having a good time."


About five years ago, Hallstrom said, he visited the 3,000-acre county and privately-owned Moses Lake Sand Dunes and found a mix of families enjoying their weekend and revelers who wanted to "recreate Tombstone from the 1800s" by disregarding laws.


Last Memorial Day weekend, about 5,000 to 8,000 people, many from Western Washington, visited the Moses Lake dunes, an area about 10 minutes from downtown that is open for 4-wheel-drive trucks, ATVs and motorcycles.


Herald archives show deputies issued about 155 tickets for underage drinking or off-road driving offenses.


Also last year, one man was badly injured in a motorcycle accident at the Beverly Sand Dunes, a 500- to 600-acre area near Mattawa.


"After last Memorial Day, we decided something had to be done," said sheriff's Chief Deputy Courtney Conklin. "It's like we're condoning drinking and driving."


Over the past year, Samaritan Hospital emergency room physicians have expressed concerns over the number of alcohol-related accident victims treated in the ER.


Moses Lake physician James Irwin, who has covered the ER during past Memorial Day weekends, said about 85 percent of the accident victims who come to the ER have been drinking.


"I've been asking them to do that for some time," Irwin said about the proposed ban.


Irwin, who's also a homeowner near the sand dunes, said he doesn't have a problem with people having fun, but he said alcohol and off-road-vehicles don't mix well.


Dave McMains, a member of the Columbia Basin Sand Commandos, a Moses Lake-based four-wheel-drive club, called the proposed ban "the greatest thing since sliced bread."


"They need control out there," McMains said. "There's too many people getting hurt. You can have fun out there and not be soused."



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i can understand why they would pass this...people get pretty stupid after they have a little bit of liquid encouragement :cheers:



i had to learn the hard way about drinking and riding :shootself:...thankfully i didnt hurt myself to badly or anyone else at that :wacko:

Edited by dune_girl
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155 tickets sounds like revenue to me?? :shrugani:




Most Police/Sheriff's agencies never see any of that money.....



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I'll probably get flamed for this, but here goes.


I'm all for them passing these no drinking laws. Yes, most people are mature enough to know not to hop on there bike after pounding down a six or twelve pack, but then again these laws aren't for those of us that are responsible enough to make these judgement calls. Remember it's the few that ruin it for the many. Just like them imposing new fees in riding area because they have to pick up litter. Anyways, most people wouldn't drink and drive on the road because of the liability and penalties, So what's the difference.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not some goody-to-shoes but I'm with dune girl, " I'm glad that I haven't hurt anyone else or myself over some of the stipid things I've done in the past"

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I'm all for them passing these no drinking laws.  Yes, most people are mature enough to know not to hop on there bike after pounding down a six or twelve pack, but then again these laws aren't for those of us that are responsible enough to make these judgement calls. Remember it's the few that ruin it for the many. Just like them imposing new fees in riding area because they have to pick up litter. Anyways, most people wouldn't drink and drive on the road because of the liability and penalties, So what's the difference.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not some goody-to-shoes but I'm with dune girl, " I'm glad that I haven't hurt anyone else or myself over some of the stipid things I've done in the past"


I agree with ya. There's places for drinking and there are places for riding and neither should be the same place it's a combination for disaster. I don't care if someone goes out gets drunk and then kills themself but when they kill an innocent person that's what pisses me off. I'm just an anti law person myself, I hate to protect stupid people from themselves but we need to protect the innocent from the stupid.

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I hate to protect stupid people from themselves but we need to protect the innocent from the stupid.


Exactly!! It has nothing to do with someones "right" to do what they want, but its when they infringe on someone elses rights. Such as someones right to live.

I'd hate to see beer at the dunes go, but if some of these whackos don't get it together I won't really care.

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we need to protect the innocent from the stupid.

i dont think i could have said it any better myself!!


I really agree with these alcohol bans. They have already issued them here in Oregon. The amount of alcohol related injuries is down, as well as all the garbage left at the places where everyone likes to congregate. These were two huge issues that were threatening on closing the dunes. This is where they "met in the middle". Sure, i enjoy to have a drink every once in a while...but there is a time and a place. They do allow drinking on developed(paved) areas, including the day use, just not on the open sand. The only downfall I see to this, are the few that will pound down a 6 pack after a good ride, and then head out again.

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I've owned a shee since 1998 off and on and have witnessed alot of stupid things happen at the dunes because of the booze. But nothing is better than sitting down next to the camp fire downing a 12 pack BS'in with your buddies after a long day at the dunes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was there this weekend and the ban is posted and in effect. I talked with the officers on Sunday morning as they were posting signs on everyother telephone pole. I am of split opinion on this issue. I do understand that it is dangerous and it is the few idiots that affect the rest of us that are able to drink responsibly. I will feel better about riding during the day and taking my kids out for a cruz. For this I am thankful for the new law. But I hate the fact if at the end of my riding day I would like to have myself a couple of Beers I can't.


I have seen the kaos of the dunes on Memorial weekend and it has become more about voyeurist watch of who can be the biggest idiot. I use to be part of that and have now become an old married man with kids and see the other side. Hate taking away rights to compensate for lack of ability to control those who are out of control.


Guess it will make it much easier to make it a daytrip there instead of staying over. Not drinking makes it much easier to drive home, This will put a wrinkle in moses lake economy as it is a large part of their tourisim draw. I feel for the owner of the conoco at the end of the road because this will definetly reflect on his business.


Just my 2 cents though

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i can more than understand a ban on alky after all its a state park right?

i know i sure cant hammer down a few drinks and operate a boat on the river

or be at a state area hunting or fishing


its not much different than being on the road with a bunch of drunks we are all at risks because of there stupidity


isnt silver lake already a no drinking area???


it sucks for the smart guys who know when is the right time to drink and when its time to stay sober

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Silver Lake is a no drinking area. There aren't even any bars in the immediate vicinity. But there are still campgrounds and hotels in the area you can go have some beers after a long day of riding. But then again, the dunes aren't open at night either. I agree w/the ban in the dune area and I also like to do my fair share of partying. There are plenty of wreckless assholes you have to watch out for on the dunes because they don't use common sense. I can't imagine if these same asswholes were drinking also.

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