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Reeds and Cages


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I'm going to yank my cages off here shortly and replace the stock reeds. I plan on swaping them out with a carbon fiber reed. Any opinions on what I should replace them with. I'd like to gain a little power throughout if possible, and obviously making it more snappy.


Also, what's involved with porting your stock reed cages? Is it just tapering in the carb side edges of the ports for better flow? Let me know what the deal is with that. Is there really much to gain by doing so? I'm interested because I'm not ready to lay down the cash for V-Force yet.



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I have a set of port cages with TDR yellow reeds and love them. A buddy has the same set up as I do, except he has v-force and I can beat the pants off of him. He spent the $200+ on his, while I only spent about $60 for the porting and reeds. I think you can spend your money on something else than the v-force.

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