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airbox for water protection

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I currently ru no lid on the airbox. I was wondering if leaving the lid on w/ 12 vents in it and cutting off the back three inches of the lid will affect jetting. something tells me no. I think this will add a small amount of protection as i am paranoid about sucking in water from a two foot deep mud hole i might need to go through to keep up w/ my buddies on there two wheelers?? how about that outerwear cover for the air bow?? is it water repellant??? call me paranoid but I'm jetted for no lid and the shee pulls like a freight train and i don't want to jet down and put the lid back on entirely because i feel like i lose 1000 rpm's and 5 horsepower at least. the plus side is more bottom end grunt w/ the lid on. any suggestions???????????

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with that many holes and the back cut off, i dont think that it will affect jetting. also with all the holes, i dont think that you are gonna get all that much protection from water.

I have an outerwear on my airbox. They say that they are waterproof, but not 100%. It will block a good amount, but if a puddle of water sits on top of the outerwear, there will be nowhere for the water to go but through the outerwear.

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Unless your going to cut the holes in the lid itself, it's pointless to put holes on the box and expect water not to get in there. Aftermarket airboxes are junk so don't wastes your money on them..just cut a few holes in the lid and cut out the airduct on the lid itself or drill holes along the side of it to allow water to pass by the filter instead of getting right on it.

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The stock airbox is worthless and actually worse for getting water into the engine. Once the water gets into the airbox, it has nowhere to go but out the hole in the bottom of the box with is either wide open or plugged up or into the carbs. On the other hand an exposed filter would have to be surrounded with enough water to actually force the water thru the outerwear which means the carb was under water to begin with. If you're going to run a box at all, don't worry about the water and cut th back out with a 4" hole saw you'll get all the air you could want and it will prtect you from direct splashes.

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