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i hate dentists

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i got tempary crowns on today and the mofuckers grinded the teath down that were getting em to nuthin took about 2 hours with that drill noise then he like cut the f*ck out of my gums by the time he was cutting my gums the novacain was wearing off fucken hurt

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i have a good deal going with my dentist,we trade labor i replaced 5 8ft frenchwood sliders(labor only)+in return i recieved 2 gold crowns+a root canal.origanaly he was like you need this +that +one of those,it'll be 3400.00. so i was like how about you just rip them out,i can't afford that doc i have priorities,i need a stroker motor! the kicker was i just went in for a routine cleaning+had no idea i needed a major overhaul,at least if it hurt +he fixed it i would have felt like i got my moneys worth.3 1/2 hours in the chair,big fun.

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getting dressed up and going to the dentist are my 2 least favorite things to do in the world.3 rd thing i hate the most is baloons in the house.

im with you. i HATE gettin dressed up. f*ck that shit. i like bein in my work clothes so that at moments notice i can hop on one of the 4 wheelers. :clap:

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getting dressed up and going to the dentist are my 2 least favorite things to do in the world.3 rd thing i hate the most is baloons in the house.

im with you. i HATE gettin dressed up. f*ck that shit. i like bein in my work clothes so that at moments notice i can hop on one of the 4 wheelers. :clap:

:headbang: speaking of riding.... I'm on vacation sooooo :bolt: .




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Damn Jethro....just gotta drag a toof brush across them once in a while...

I'm 29.5 years old, and I've only ever had 2 small cavities. Both when I was 17. One of my most favorite things to do is brush my teeth. I don't know why, but I have to make a concious effort to not over brush them, and to only brush them twice per day. I have a section of gum that is receeded a little bit because of over brushing.


I don't mind balloons in the house, its my sister in laws kids that gets to me. Or maybe its the lack of tending that goes on.......


I don't mind getting some what dressed up, but it depends on where I'm going. In Vegas...no problem...out to dinner or something...no big deal...to one of my wifes families big dumb fucken wedding receptions...THATS where I draw the line. 4-6 per year was too many. I haven't been to a wedding in almost 2 years, and that was to both of my sisters weddings. If I never attend another wedding again I won't care.

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dentists. i go in there for 1/2 and to get my teeth cleand they send me a bill for $75. this madness goes on every 6 months. as long as you eat right your teeth will not decay. your teath should be the last bone is your body to go. soon ill be getting my teeth cleaned every year. last time they didnt even have to take out that dremel tool to clean them. and to think some people go every 3 months for a cleaning. LOL

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Guest Gargamel
...at least it's better than a kick in the face with a golf shoe. ;):D

Hey you stole that from Son In Law. Flea said it in the tattoo parlor when Becka got her tatttoo.

Sorry one of my favorite movies. :D


I watch to much tv :lol:



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