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Just Got Glasses For The First Time


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Well, I am 30 and I decided to get an eye exam a week ago. My wife has been wearing glasses and contacts since she was in highschool, anyway she could read roadsigns before i could, the tv was a little fuzzy etc. So the doc. said that i need a weak prescription. It almost ticks me off because I have had great vision my whole life. I think I started to loose my "great vision" when I welded for 2 years. Thats my guess. But anyways, I have to get used to these things now and honestly I can Play GTA vice city in my bed now and see all the detail on the screen,, bonus. So now I need to get laid and play GTA at the same time,,, wouldnt that be the shiznit.

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In my family besides a half sister I have, I'm the only one who doesn't wear any type of corrective eye wear, but I have a feeling my day will come. My mom has worn glasses since her late teens, and my dad since about 40. I turn 29 in feb, so my time is coming. Also I have noticed more hair that normal on and around this keyboard. :( I'm gonna be a fat bald headed half blind machinist before I'm 35.

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Four-eyes !!! :P welcome to the club, iv had em since 6th or 7th grade. My eyes are pretty bad, I cant do anything without my glasses, there's no way I could ride my Banshee, I could drive a car if I had too, but that would be a bad idea.


I would love to have corrective surgery. Its called "lasic" surgery, and I prolly spelled lasic wrong. The surgery is getting cheaper, but thats not whats holding me back. Im a chicken. The surgury is done with a laser that zaps your eye, and that doesnt freak me out, what I dont like is they have to cut a "flap" on your cornea, they then fold this eye flap back and then commence to the laser zapping. Once they finish with the laser they lay the flap back down on your eyeball and your done. The flap cut freaks me out. HAS ANYONE HERE HAD THE LASIC EYE SURGURY ????????

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I have family members that have gotten it, I guess it works out okay, but sometimes you can get distorted night vision, like halo's around headlights n shit.


There was one I saw that was even CREEEPIER...if thats even a word...

They numbed the eyeball with a shot.....yeah..stick a needle in your eye, then they placed this mini guillotine on your eye and actually SHAVED your cornea off, then they commenced laser zapping in some sort of eye-ball-cornea-laser-zapping-resurfacing-machine, then they stuck the cornea back on, and stitched it in a few places. Good ol Franken-Eyes is what you got.

I'll wear fukin binoculars if it ever gets that bad, or when they get the surgery %100 idiot proof.

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I know quite few people who have had PRK (photo refractive kera tonomatat blah blah) and all have come out with better than 20/20 vision. The Navy accepts people that had PRK for the flight program but not Lasik so i see PRK people all the time. I think the only reason the NAV doesn't accept LASIK yet is because its relatively new. My wife says she sees patients with LASIK all the time and she has never seen any problems.

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nothin wrong with glasses man, if i didnt have them id be walking into walls B) or riding into trees !

and dont forget to get yourself a set of scott model 87 goggles to fit over your new specs. oakley makes an otg model too but i dont remember the number. later

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I got 'em too, evil has an excellent point; OTG goggles beat the hell out of pressing yer glasses into your face. It's nice to be able to see...


I woulda gone for the surgery but now I can't...I got a corneal callous or some shit on my right eyeball, doesn't affect vision or anything but they won't go to hackin' up my corneas.


No shit mcaf29? I wanted to fly rotary wings BAD, got an appointment to West Point and the dickheads said I couldn't fly with ANY kinda corrected vision (of course that was 10+ years ago before corrective surgery was commonplace).


Enough ranting, they're worth it dogboystoy, I remember when I got my first pair...I was like "damn, I can actually see individual leaves on trees and not a huge green mass, cool".

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I've had mine since I was 3... & now pushing the old age of 21, so 18 years? I dont mind them. I acctually chose to keep them over the lasik surgery cause I feel kinda naked w/ out my specs. my mom worked at laser eye center here in california, and I could have gotten the surgeryy done for free, but I didn't. my brother got it done and his vision is really good. anyway I got the black flys 9000's (sunglasses) and had them pop out the lenses and make the my perscription glasses B) .

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i been wearing glasses since i was old enough to see.in this day and age you`de think they could make mine a little thinner. they are like coke bottle bottoms, without them i am blind.been made fun of all my life. you could actually burn ants with them in the sun they are so thick.in the military they are called BCG`S,birth control glasses,you ain`t getting any poontang with these glasses on.picture a short fat black kid with glasses.i look like fat albert with thick glasses.

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haha, ive had my glasses since like 4th grade just recently i got contacts because its easier to ride wtihout glass's and i broke alot of pairs, havent had a problem with the contacts yet, but sometimes you still put your hands up to like adjust your glasses and there not there

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i have been wearing glasses since 6th grade. I couldent see the tv or play video games from the couch or my bed,i couldent see the board clearly at school which was affecting my grades alot! lol......anyway we went to the eye doctor and he said that i needed glasses..So far i think glasses are the greatest invention (for ppl like us atleast) i cant imagine what ppl think of laser surgery.

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