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Banshee idle down slowly


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Ok guys got a 2000 banshee runs great had to replace reed valves (v force 2) and i put a chariot throttle on...took it out and the throttle was sticking. Now i looked threw airbox and didn't see the slides sticking but I noticed that it revs back to idle very slowly? Do the caps and slides go back on the left n right carbs? I did notice the right carb slide was slightly harder to get in than the left but I don't see them sticking....they are both very close to being in sync.... I'm at a loss with this.... any suggestions? Maybe I have the tops and slides switched? And also the cable is very easy to pull out of the carb which pulls the slide...shouldn't those be kinda hard to pull out?

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it may, and usually means that the idle mixture is lowering your idle and not the screwes.  get it warmed up and adjust the mixture to the high idle and turn the idle screwes down. repeat once you get close to 1300 rpm.

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My bike will not start. ...we decided to try and pull start it and it would run but it ran terrible and would not stay running ,almost like it was at half power. I recently replaced reeds and cleaned carbs. .it fired up one time and stalled out and wouldn't start again, we even used a little starting fluid. ..this bike has a fairly new top end and have never had an issue since I replaced reed valves. ..now when it did run it seemed like it would take its good old time reving down, almost like the slides were sticking but I assure u they are in good working order.

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"slides sticking:? and "taking its good ole time revving down" was a big time air leak OR way toooo lean on jetting or some other fucked up who knows what opps mistake when you switched out the reeds..


if yo have just kept on pull starting it then riding it  letting it lean hang for a while your most likely damaged the top end and maybe hurt it so bad you have lost enough compression to not let it start from kicking..


OR  the slow jets are totally stopped up with who knows what and it has alos possibly screwed up the top end.  maybe even damaged the crank from no oiling for lack of mixture.. 



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