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Hi all, I found this forum after searching google for the words: yamaha banshee, it was the first one of 27,300 results - not bad eh !


Anyway, I am new here as you can see and I am from the UK, recently bought my Banshee, after having a blaster for 2 months, got bored of that too easily and traded up to my new toy.


Banshee's are rare in the UK, and it's very difficult to find any good forums or tips in the UK so I hope to pop along here every now and then and get some advice from you guys.


I'm not too sure if I am going to be able to contribute much to this forum, I have only been riding quads for a few months, but if anyone would like some souveneirs of our Royal family, then please feel free to ask ! <---- That was a joke by the way!


Anyway, that's all for now, speak to you all soon.



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popping on now and then will turn into being on here for hours on end just learning and teaching, taking in advice will eventually turn into giving out that same advice you've learned.


You can learn a lot of good stuff on here. It's geared towards banshees and their are tons of people on here that know the quad inside and out, backwards and forward, anything you can do to it, what you dont want to do with it and on and on and on.


Welcome to the hq, aka, The Banshee knowledge center of the universe

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hehe um...dont mind lefty...disregard anything he says about being in dark alleys and behind porno theaters.............yeah you heard it lefty im STILL going to therapy for what happend.... :blink:


haha im just joking, lots of smart people here, very helpful in any range of atv's and such...


glad you found the site man



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well only 2 months ago i was where you are now and i assure you will be a bit like me. i only come onto this site in the afternoon (which must be about 2 am in the usa) so there are only like 2 or 3 ppl here but it is good because i can go through and read all the days posts uninterrupted and without having to go back and view new posts half way. i often find myself giggling my little balls off for half an hour straight coz some of these guys are funny fuckers. Some.... i knew little about the banshee when i started and in 2 months i have gone from this...






to this....







and everything i have done i learned to do on here.


Even in times of stupidity whan i asked questions which when i look back were just pathetic i got laughed at but also answered.



Some of these guys are great banks of knowledge.

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You are going to learn an insane amount of info on your new hobby.Anything from jetting to mods to preventive maintenence. We cover it all on the HQ.Be sure also that you check out the sites some of the members have on banshees.They are infomative and can also guide you to what you want accomplished.Take a look at all forums and you can see there is alot available.

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Hey... whereabouts are you from in the UK?? i live down near Oxford and ride my tricked out shee just locally at the moment... i need a way of transporting my shee without needing my parents to tow the trailer!!!! do you ride with a club? im going to join Vale of White Horse next year for a laugh well see how it goes!



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WOW, thanks for all your replys guys, I feel right at home now :-)


I am gonna ask a few questions in some other posts so hope I can get some good answers, one will be about the problems I have with it starting.


Stu, I live in Milton Keynes which isn't far from you, I used to live in Bicester and the weekend just gone, I went down to Dirt Devils in Reading,

it was bloody awesome, I got absolutely cacked in mud and there was an inch of mud all over the bike by the end of the day, here's the proof!




If you want to meet up down there say perhaps next weekend, that would be just cool with me, perhaps we could get some others to come along to.


By the way, whats the vale of white horse thing you mentioned, sounds very interesting, i'd like to get a litle more active and that sounds pretty cool.


Once again guys thanks for your posts and I look forward to speaking with you all soon.


Best regards



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meeting up would be cool but youll have to wait until my banshee has recovered from a little stay in the garage. i have just rebuilt her so shee needs a bit of dialing in now. also transporting her is a mission at the mo because i cant drive the car with a towbar. the Vale of White Horse MX club, its a mx club that organises quite a few meetings around this area. pick up a copy of Trials and MX news it should have the contact details in there i think




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