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banshee 2 into 1

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been pulling my hair out trying to tune the stock carbs, looking into the 2 into 1 chariot kit whats a good carb for stock cylinders, fmf pipes, v force 4 reeds, no porting, no headwork. they offer 35 and 38 is 35 to big?  not looking for a drag bike, just looking for something easy to tune and can ride the trails and sand pits.

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The 2/1 Comes with its own headache. First being once you get one guys will tell you to not bother with it rather then helping you jet it. Second. Not as many knowledgable folks run the 2/1 so getting viable tuning info will be hard. It seems like most 2/1 owners are novice tuners and trying to get past the hurdle of "jetting twice for every one change"


Now that that part is out of the way, steer clear of the trinity and chariot 2/1 intakes. They really do choke the bike down. There are a couple of options with the intakes though. An old 440 excited manifold works great with a little work and the other choice would be the Graydon Pro Line. Kinda hard to find but they are out there. When tuning it remember that you will have to really throw fuel at the carb so it can adequately feed both cylinders. The hardest part will be getting the needle dialed in. Typically guys Wind up with EEK needles or whichever needles are prefered for alky flow.

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im just looking for a new kit one with jets and everything ill need the few hours a week i get to work on it usually gets disrupted by having to order more parts thats why i was looking into the chariot kit it seems to come with everything manifold, carb, jets, cable ect just didnt know if a 35 carb is to big for stock cylinders with no work

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graydons with 35's show up all the time on Ebay. It's really the best design out there.

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Choose whatever 2 into 1 you want but as far as jetting it is easy.  We send 4 pilots and 4 mains along with what is in the 35 carb.  We use the same needle although most will ask you to go with the other needles.  You could but these work fine.   At the end of the day if you do't like what you have even after installed you can return it to us for a full refund no questions asked.


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im just looking for a new kit one with jets and everything ill need the few hours a week i get to work on it usually gets disrupted by having to order more parts thats why i was looking into the chariot kit it seems to come with everything manifold, carb, jets, cable ect just didnt know if a 35 carb is to big for stock cylinders with no work

I love the chariot brand, but seriously it's not much better then the trinity unit. If you are just wanting a complete kit there are a few guys who will sell it to ya with everything.

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