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chinese parts suck

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It starts and ends with the consumer.


The majority of consumers demand inexpensive product. You are not going to manufacture inexpensive product with what unions and employees demand of manufacturers. Unions will forever be the demise of industry in the US until something is done about them. (For the record, I have belonged to two unions in my day, and my father has been a member of the IBEW for the last 30+ years. Unions fucking suck as a consumer. Sure, sometimes they work in your favor as an employee, but in my experience they've done nothing but feed their own hungry fucking mouths, and shovel cash into their deep pockets at the expense of employees and employers.


But making a blanket statement such as "all product from overseas is junk" is probably one of the stupidest, and most ignorant things I've ever heard in my entire life. Let's face it, you get what you pay for. If you want to have a product manufactured in China to YOUR specifications, with materials that YOU demand, that's what will get done. Consumers don't care about that shit until they're not getting a $500 part for $100 that fails to perform like that $500 part. No shit Sherlock. Americans are lazy asses. We all know it, but not very many of us will admit it. The chinese/taiwanese/japanese etc will work for pennies on the dollar for what American employees NEED to survive here. Our whole system is fucked beyond belief. It costs more to live, so we charge more for product, which in-turn, you need to make more to pay for said product that costs more. Prices continue to skyrocket, and in order for manufacturers to stay in business, they must sell a more inexpensive product. ie, have shit made in China/Taiwan/Japan. It's the American way. The fact is, American made products are not ALWAYS superior to foreign products. I know some pretty fuckin' lazy people who work in the manufacturing industry. I'm pretty sure I'd trust a 12 year old kid who actually WANTS to work, than some sweaty overweight 35 year old who is getting paid $30 bucks an hour to milk a clock and slap a fender on a Ford. At least that 12 year old kid knows that if he fucks up, his job is on the line. American Unions have the manufacturers scared. MFR's are scared to fire anyone for their shit performance, due to the fear of these big bad asshole unions coming after them for wrongful termination.



/rant I'm going to bed.








Buy Chinese. Support the Chinese economy. Soon, it'll be OUR economy. There's not turning back now.

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It starts and ends with the consumer.


The majority of consumers demand inexpensive product. You are not going to manufacture inexpensive product with what unions and employees demand of manufacturers. Unions will forever be the demise of industry in the US until something is done about them. (For the record, I have belonged to two unions in my day, and my father has been a member of the IBEW for the last 30+ years. Unions fucking suck as a consumer. Sure, sometimes they work in your favor as an employee, but in my experience they've done nothing but feed their own hungry fucking mouths, and shovel cash into their deep pockets at the expense of employees and employers.


But making a blanket statement such as "all product from overseas is junk" is probably one of the stupidest, and most ignorant things I've ever heard in my entire life. Let's face it, you get what you pay for. If you want to have a product manufactured in China to YOUR specifications, with materials that YOU demand, that's what will get done. Consumers don't care about that shit until they're not getting a $500 part for $100 that fails to perform like that $500 part. No shit Sherlock. Americans are lazy asses. We all know it, but not very many of us will admit it. The chinese/taiwanese/japanese etc will work for pennies on the dollar for what American employees NEED to survive here. Our whole system is fucked beyond belief. It costs more to live, so we charge more for product, which in-turn, you need to make more to pay for said product that costs more. Prices continue to skyrocket, and in order for manufacturers to stay in business, they must sell a more inexpensive product. ie, have shit made in China/Taiwan/Japan. It's the American way. The fact is, American made products are not ALWAYS superior to foreign products. I know some pretty fuckin' lazy people who work in the manufacturing industry. I'm pretty sure I'd trust a 12 year old kid who actually WANTS to work, than some sweaty overweight 35 year old who is getting paid $30 bucks an hour to milk a clock and slap a fender on a Ford. At least that 12 year old kid knows that if he fucks up, his job is on the line. American Unions have the manufacturers scared. MFR's are scared to fire anyone for their shit performance, due to the fear of these big bad asshole unions coming after them for wrongful termination.



/rant I'm going to bed.








Buy Chinese. Support the Chinese economy. Soon, it'll be OUR economy. There's not turning back now.





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Lots of truth here . I don't agree with the anti union comments but to each his own .

I'm a 20 year Journeyman gas pipe fitter and my quality of life is far better then it would be if I worked outside of the Union . I'm also a shop steward and I have to go to bat for guys from time to time and I don't always take their side , especially if they have gotten themselves in hot water . I try to buy items made in or by American labor , it's not always easy and It's hard to convince others to do so. A few years ago I needed a new Flag for the house b/c my old one was faded and tattered and it was time to replace it . I went and searched everywhere for an American flag made in America . I finally had to ask my wife's aunt to sew me one from scratch . We live inna world of guarantees , everybody you do business with wants one . Your creditors your bank your cable and Internet providers and even your cell phone provider . No one seems to get too upset when they sign a 3 year commitment with high penalties for early cancellation for even a new phone . But when American workers stand up and ask for a commitment from their employer to take care of them in good times and bad , all of a sudden people get irritated . If it wasn't for Unions the Landscape of the American workplace would be far different , but Unions aren't all about seniority and money . The Workers Union goes back to the days of the Freemasons , The old give to the young the knowledge they have learned and essentially you have taught a man fish and with that knowledge given , the next generation puts his hands to work and one day he forges the next link in the chain and passes it on to his apprentice .

And my TV is a RCA bitches , made in the USA!!!!!!!

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I'm a 20 year Journeyman gas pipe fitter and my quality of life is far better then it would be if I worked outside of the Union .



My point exactly... Try being the employER paying an extra $7 per hour to the UNION, for every employee you have. Two things get sacrificed in this scenario since consumers demand inexpensive product/work. Quality of work, or quality of material.


I belonged to the Teamsters and the UFCW back in the day, and more recently the LAPPL (Los Angeles Police Protective League)... Both of which were complete jokes. I am currently a member for the NAR (National Association of Realtors). Why? Because I HAVE to, to do business. I am FORCED to pay this group of people an ungodly amount of money to do... um... nothing, really. Our local Realtor office has 90 employees. 90 GODDAMN EMPLOYEES. You know how many brokerages are under this realtor office? 186. Why do we need ONE employee for every two offices? I call the association maybe... once every three months? But, I'm paying upwards of $5,000 a year just so I can be a member of this "club". Without the "club" I can't do business.


My fathers union, the IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) is also a joke. The $7/hr per employee "fee" that this union charges is goddamn outrageous. If my dad wants to hire an employee at $20/hr for basic electrical work, not only does he have to stroke the shaft of the union leaders, he also has to charge MUCH more for his work, because without being union, you can't work with ANY utility company, or ANY governmental organization. How fucked is that? In order to get ANY work, you have to pay a UNION?


Here's the reason why. These union lobbyists are the biggest scumbags known to mankind. They literally bribe (with money, sex, money, or sex) every politician they can to enforce their union agenda. Take for example, teachers unions, police unions (former member), prison workers union... Our goddamn BUS DRIVERS have a union... It's getting out of hand. EVERYONE wants to be in a union as an EMPLOYEE... It's the absolute worst case scenario for an employer. In California, we have a chain of grocery stores called "Stater Bros." (They might be in other states, not sure.) Stater bros. is NOT a union grocery store. I choose to shop at the NON union grocery store, because I worked for the grocery store unions... they suck. I loved the unions when I worked UNDER them, but once I became an employER, and not an employEE, I really saw what unions do. They threaten employers with strikes, walkouts, picket lines, all kinds of other childish bullshit, if you don't want to pay the extra 12 cents towards your employees healthcare. I also don't believe that you are immediately GRANTED healthcare when you get a job. Just like any kind of insurance, you should have to pay for it on your own. Forcing your employer to cover you and your sickly kids, all the while forcing them to pay you X amount of dollars per hour/week/month, whether you suck at your job or not is bullshit. When I worked in the unions, 9x out of 10, my fellow employees were complete lazy fucks knowing that they had the "union" to fight for them.


I personally have fired people with just cause, and had the Realtor Association come to me and threaten me with "fines" and all kinds of other bullshit because the moron I fired went and complained. The most recent person I fired was a Realtor who's ONLY job was to oversee the renovations on a multi-family dwelling that we were flipping. If someone needed a key, or needed to be met at the property, meet them there. It was a two week commitment, with a payout of roughly $6500. Not bad money for doing nothing for two weeks. This numbnuts went and disappeared for two days, and I had a flooring contractor that couldn't get into the lock box to get the key. I had to send another one of my brokers over there to let these people into the building and replace the lockbox. I fired her on the spot, as soon as I saw her again. Her job was simple, and she thought somehow that the Realtor Association could somehow squeeze some money out of me for her not doing her job.


This is EXACTLY how unions work. They bully their way into companies, and then demand that the company make ridiculous investments in lazy ass employees. I know for a fact that unions have "recruiters" who do nothing but try to get employees to "round up the troops" at their workplace and all assemble for a secret meeting with a union hack. Why? Because there's money to be made. Pockets to be lined, and employers to fuck.


It's GREAT to be a union employee, but try being a union employER who cannot conduct business in a certain trade, without buying into these jackasses.

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Lots of truth here . I don't agree with the anti union comments but to each his own .

I'm a 20 year Journeyman gas pipe fitter and my quality of life is far better then it would be if I worked outside of the Union . I'm also a shop steward and I have to go to bat for guys from time to time and I don't always take their side , especially if they have gotten themselves in hot water . I try to buy items made in or by American labor , it's not always easy and It's hard to convince others to do so. A few years ago I needed a new Flag for the house b/c my old one was faded and tattered and it was time to replace it . I went and searched everywhere for an American flag made in America . I finally had to ask my wife's aunt to sew me one from scratch . We live inna world of guarantees , everybody you do business with wants one . Your creditors your bank your cable and Internet providers and even your cell phone provider . No one seems to get too upset when they sign a 3 year commitment with high penalties for early cancellation for even a new phone . But when American workers stand up and ask for a commitment from their employer to take care of them in good times and bad , all of a sudden people get irritated . If it wasn't for Unions the Landscape of the American workplace would be far different , but Unions aren't all about seniority and money . The Workers Union goes back to the days of the Freemasons , The old give to the young the knowledge they have learned and essentially you have taught a man fish and with that knowledge given , the next generation puts his hands to work and one day he forges the next link in the chain and passes it on to his apprentice .

And my TV is a RCA bitches , made in the USA!!!!!!!



Better be using union made Victaulic fittings son!



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Say what you want about unions... But if it wasn't for them we'd be all working for minimum wage, employers would walk all over there employees,, all the rules and regulations that keep us safe in the work place unions played a big part in putting them in place, be like working In a third world country, Non-unionized places compete with the unionized work force as far as wages so In a way they set the wages for everyone.... But hey it's just my opinion, I Was on strike for a full year, our wages are still below average, the company is turning in record profits, 3 employees have died on the job in the last year. When you work in an industry that can potentialy take your life/serious injury on the job you want the employer to take care of the hurt employee. Well we wouldn't need unions if employers took care of there employees, especially when we put our life's on the line for them.... Can point the finger at the union workers for being greedy, but who are the ones with fancy houses, nice cars, and no financial stress?? Owners, CEO's, Boss'...... Just my opinion everyone has there own

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I see SOME of your points, but to say that without unions we'd all be making minimum wage and living like a third world country is nothing short of pure comedic relief.


I've been on both sides of the unions. I've worked union, and I've been worked BY the unions. To say that you NEED to be in a union because you do a dangerous job, is neither here nor there. In case you didn't read my post, I was a member of a police union. Two, actually. They did absolutely nothing for the nearly 12,000 officers they represented. The only things they did was take lavish vacations and hold "conferences" in Hawaii and other exotic locales on an annual basis, on the tax payers dime.


Also, to say that the Bosses and CEO's are living the "life" with no financial concern is simply not true. Not a day goes by that I don't think about every one of my employees. Sure, I'm relatively small, employing only 16 people, but my father owned and operated a nationwide architectural firm from 1981 until he sold it in 2004. He retired for two years, then started a small niche electrical business where he builds labs for research facilities. He had over 2100 employees in 26 states, and every one of those employees was a member of the AIA. They were not union because the employees complained about low wages, terrible working conditions, or anything else. They became union because they HAD to. They could not work on almost ANY governmental, or utilitarian infrastructure without being union. Why is that? Is it maybe because the union lobbyists have their hands securely attached to the zipper of every single legislature and "do gooder" in the government? Absolutely.


I have NOTHING against union employees. When I was an "employee" rather than an "employer" I loved the unions. They have great promotional tactics, and they really make all the employees believe that they are doing nothing but good for the world. But I refer back to my previous post, where I mention that our county BUS DRIVERS have a union. I think we can all agree that a bus driver's union is a touch ridiculous. If a bus drivers union is ridiculous, where does the line get drawn in the sand? What industries deserve a union, and what industries don't? When does a job become too menial for a union to represent it? I bet you if things keep going the way they're going, McDonald's employees will be crying they want a union.


Just a little tidbit along the same lines of McDonald's. My wife is a manager at Starbucks. She makes a considerable amount of money for the job she does [she doesn't do shit]. All of their employees pay $80 per month for COMPLETE PPO health coverage if they work 20 hours a week or more. Starbucks is non union. Does that mean their employees would get paid more, and be treated better if they WERE union? Or is Starbucks an "exception" to the "we'd all be making minimum wage and living like a 3rd world country" rule? Starbucks is considered a "turnover" job. Meaning, they don't anticipate their employees to be around long, and they turn over employees frequently. In spite of them KNOWING that, they treat their employees with respect, and pay them well.


I agree that "skilled trades" are best with unions, because there will always be hacks who come in and lowball shit, and do halfassed work. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's a bit much that when grocery stores, bus drivers, and fast food workers want a union because they want more and more for their menial jobs. Here's a hint. Strive for more than a menial job at McDonald's, rather than asking for a union to come back you up in your meaningless job.

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I guess unions have there place in different industries and other industry's there shouldn't be like u said... My industry is working in an underground mine, our company was bought out by another company who operates there mines in third world countrys... They put us on strike for a year 3500 employees, ran the business with contractors, other unions were crossing the picket lines, government didnt want to do anything for us, they took alot from us benefits/wages/bonus, people lost there houses, the list goes on and on.... It wasn't about money it was about prooving a point because the contractors that are on property make more money then us.....

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I can see both sides of it , I have my own business as well but no employees it's just me . I run my business as fast and cheap and efficient as I can , afterall I'm only doing it to get more money . Now at my Job I am just an employee and I can see the differences in how Union and Non Union employees are treated . Our corporate execs enjoy multi million dollar bonuses and retirement packages , and yes we receive bonuses as well , and ai don't ever like to complain about free money but they are paltry in comparison . It's the way it is , The most from the least and you either deal with it or move on down the road . I have job perks , I drive my service truck home so I'm not commuting on my own gas or wear and tear on my vehicle so that's a plus in my pocket . 2 years ago the Utility merged with a Pension investment group and there was a major downsizing , 300 people laid off from the non represented side . They Laid off all those people and a month later in the company news letter it said , Welcome 33 new employees . LOL , WTF you fire 300 and new hire ( costs more than transitioning current employees ) 33. We are gears in the machine , and I'm fine with that . I have my Union that stands behind me and keeps me employed , keeps food on the table and a roof over my head . Years ago I was in that shitty Grocery Union , and it was a joke . The company approved the union before it could represent us! Lol contradictive to say the least . And yes there is some rediculousness when you think of a maids union or a bus drivers union , and yes I think the Unions have become very top heavy BUT! Our Unions have to do battle with corporate America and they use the same tactics that are used on us , lobbyists and political posturing and back room deals may be shady at best but you gotta fight fire with fire and take victories as they come .

I am a shop steward , I believe in what I say and I know it has it's faults but without Unions the landscape of the American work place would be far different .

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