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adultish smarties


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It's one thing to be naturally really smart, but to rub it in to all of us less than smart people is stooping to a whole new level. We try our best to conduct ourselves the best we can but some really intelligent person always has to come make us feel like the lesser person. If you are one of these adultish smarties I wish you the best of luck in life and that many more fortunes come your way. I hope that no buses run over you and you end up in a wheelchair or anything, that would be terrible. So, whoever you are, whether you're just pretty smart or a flat out rocket scientist, I hope you think about the little guy from now on and realize we have feelings too! So please, from now on, will you try your best to not talk down to the most of us? And since you already have a life and you're more than grown up, have a nice day!

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I joined this site to learn, bullshit with people, meet people and share the little bit I know with anyone who needs help. I like to hear about new idea's, what works, what doesn't work but there is alot of Jerkoff's who think there way is the only way and any other way is retarded. Well fuck you cocksuckers who think your shit doesn't stink except Tylers cuz his really doesn't lol. These assholes know who they are. :cheers:

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