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suprised by Mattoon Machine product line


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While looking for a billet clutch basket, i stumbled upon Mattoon Machines ebay page.....i was unaware they carried as many different products as they do. I was under the impression that they only made Billet Cases. Their prices are great and they are a site sponsor as well. Here's their ebay page ,as their website dosent show everything > http://stores.ebay.com/Mattoon-Machine?_trksid=p4340.l2563

I have yet to personally use their products but plan to in the very near future and will post a review.

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i have been promoting them for a long time.. they make great parts some of the best baskets and other lil "fixes" that are a great addition to making a banshee more reliable..


this one is often over looked if you have a case saver back it up with one of these.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BANSHEE-DRAG-RACING-BILLET-NEUTRAL-SWITCH-COVER-/320749329619?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4aae265cd3


if you have a billet basket adn it keeps blowing chusions get one of these and upgrade the hardware too.. this was also one of my suggested items to add to the ebay list.. OR buy one of their billet baskets.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BANSHEE-DRAG-RACING-BILLET-NEUTRAL-SWITCH-COVER-/320749329619?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4aae265cd3


and yea that resyy deal is killer!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: Got the Mattoon Billet basket installed.... its a real nice piece . everything fit well and the backing plate is nice and heavy duty . All the hardware was good quality too. I'd defiantly give them a shot if i was in the market for any other parts they make.

In fact I'd PREFER to do business with them compared to some of the bigger names out there like Boss or Magnum just because of the quality of their product and they are more of a "Mom & Pop" business. IMHO.

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I probably should not post this because I don't agree with bashing other companies. I will not bash their products, I couldn't because I have not heard bad things about them and have not used them myself.

The one thing that surprises me is that they would undercut their dealers on ebay on their retail price. What surprises me more is that their dealers will still sell their products knowing this. We never sell under our minimum sale price given to our dealers and don't keep products just for us and not available to dealers. Why do dealers support a vendor that undercuts them on sale price? Other suppliers and manufacturers do this in our sport as well and it amazes me how they keep dealers.

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Mattoon does not sell their products for below dealer cost. Are they selling some of them below what their retail price on their website is? On some stuff yes, but who isnt? Businesses are doing whatever is needed to in order to move product PERIOD! The dealers can sell the product for whatever price they want to sell it for, be it full retail, at or below their costs, its their call.. The world we live in has changed, getting retail price out of ANYTHING is hard!

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I am a Works Performance dealer, among other things. I have customers all the time who call and ask the price of a new pair of shocks. I flat out tell them that they are cheaper to buy direct from Works Performance's eBay outlet. I am not bitter one bit. I don't understand the logic behind this. I guess if you're ONLY in the business to make a dime, the argument is valid. I, simply, am not. One of my most popular lines is: "Don't spend money unless you absolutely NEED to." My goal is to save my customers every penny possible. Maybe it's a terrible business model, but it's working. I send customers to other vendors who are better at specific things, than I am. I want my customers to have the best product, at the best price. If I can't give that to them, I will tell them who can. It's all about supporting this community.


If a manufacturer wants to sell below what their dealer's retail is, that is their prerogative. The dealers have the option of carrying the product line or not.

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I probably should not post this because I don't agree with bashing other companies. I will not bash their products, I couldn't because I have not heard bad things about them and have not used them myself.

The one thing that surprises me is that they would undercut their dealers on ebay on their retail price. What surprises me more is that their dealers will still sell their products knowing this. We never sell under our minimum sale price given to our dealers and don't keep products just for us and not available to dealers. Why do dealers support a vendor that undercuts them on sale price? Other suppliers and manufacturers do this in our sport as well and it amazes me how they keep dealers.


I have to agree.I have been in retail for many years,selling a variety of products.The term we use is "diversion".This is when the original product is sold for less by the manufacturer or a distributor for much less than Msrp.Sometimes the prices are so low a distributor cannot even turn a profit on it.


The biggest gripe I have with companies like this is they use you for years to get the product out there,then after its mainstream,they start to sell out from underneath their vendors.This would not be a bad thing if they gave the vendors a better price,but they usually don't.


I stopped dealing with companies like that and started to push products from smaller companies that I could verify were not diverting products.


Some companies will "claim" they do not divert their products when in reality they do,they just have a network set-up to distribute without anyone knowing they are selling from within.

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I am a Works Performance dealer, among other things. I have customers all the time who call and ask the price of a new pair of shocks. I flat out tell them that they are cheaper to buy direct from Works Performance's eBay outlet. I am not bitter one bit. I don't understand the logic behind this. I guess if you're ONLY in the business to make a dime, the argument is valid. I, simply, am not. One of my most popular lines is: "Don't spend money unless you absolutely NEED to." My goal is to save my customers every penny possible. Maybe it's a terrible business model, but it's working. I send customers to other vendors who are better at specific things, than I am. I want my customers to have the best product, at the best price. If I can't give that to them, I will tell them who can. It's all about supporting this community.


If a manufacturer wants to sell below what their dealer's retail is, that is their prerogative. The dealers have the option of carrying the product line or not.


I found it was a little more expensive to buy direct from Works,but i was able to get a shock tailored exactly to my specs.I did not mind paying more,since the vendors I contacted told me they had to special order from Works anyways.

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I flat out tell them that they are cheaper to buy direct from Works Performance's eBay outlet.


There ebay page is even cheaper than calling them. I needed 2 billit res clamps / brackets. I had seen they had them on ebay for around 20 bucks each. I just called them up and ordered them. They didnt give me a total. I about crapped when I recieved them. 2 clamps phone orded from them were 80 some dollars when they were selling them for 20 bucks each on ebay.

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There ebay page is even cheaper than calling them. I needed 2 billit res clamps / brackets. I had seen they had them on ebay for around 20 bucks each. I just called them up and ordered them. They didnt give me a total. I about crapped when I recieved them. 2 clamps phone orded from them were 80 some dollars when they were selling them for 20 bucks each on ebay.

Yeah. They charge an arm and a leg for shipping, too. I usually try to place my stock orders in huge bulk, to avoid their ridiculous shipping.


Also, I only charge MY cost on parts. I don't mark up any parts.


I dunno, I guess I'm too generous when it comes to stuff like that. I was on the other side of this industry for so long, that I know what made me happy when I was buying tons of stuff.

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I cant say i totally disagree with you Chariot,but i DO disagree with you making those statements in a thread i specifically started to let fellow owners know about the quality of a particular Banshee PRODUCT they offer... If you have beef with Mattoons business model ,,,,well take it up with them personally...not in a "PRODUCT review" section.

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I cant say i totally disagree with you Chariot,but i DO disagree with you making those statements in a thread i specifically started to let fellow owners know about the quality of a particular Banshee PRODUCT they offer... If you have beef with Mattoons business model ,,,,well take it up with them personally...not in a "PRODUCT review" section.

You are right and I should have held back and thought more about the subject matter of the thread. My post does not fit here and I should have not made it. I will be more careful in the future as I have been until this mis-step.


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