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to port or not to port?

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Okay so I've got a pretty much stock engine on my banshee. I use it basically for trail riding and coal hills. I am considering a trail port. The local shop told me prob 175 for a trail port. They are a reputable shop and guarentee their work. How's the price? Anyone have ported cylinders for sale. What else should I do with the port. Cool head? I want to continue pump to use pump gas. Give me some ideas or advice please

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. it will increase compression while also advancing the spark timing a little.

cutting a head you take material off the base but you also reshape the dome to give better fuel burn. this will also increase compression and advance spark timing.




?????????????????????????? LOL what? How does that work?

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i think what he is talking about when he says it will increase the spark timing, is that the time for the flame front to travel to the outside edges of the bore, is reduced slightly, as the spark plug is now sitting down closer to the bore edges and piston crown. as far as milling the head to initiate when the spark plug actual fires, is not true or possible. hope this clears up the confusion.

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I would just have someone here on HQ port them. You'd have the support of a good KNOWN banshee builder. Local shops will always try and up-sell themselves and give you lots of flash and fame stories. If you go with someone on HQ you will actually know what you're going to get. I would give kevin at Herr Jugs a call. That guy can do a very hard running trail ported stock cylinder. Remember, in the banshee world you get what you pay for. Just because someone is cheaper doesn't mean better. Your local speed shop is probably just going to do a clean-up port on your cylinders. Will it run better? Yes. Will it run the best is can... no. Give Kevin a call and talk with him before you commit to having the local shop do any work.


- Jared

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Idk this guy is like the local" shop" they dyno them any everything. And everyone swears by them. He explained the process something about porting then putting dimples. And blah blah blah


There is something to be said about keeping your money local but there is also something to be said about being faster, chances are you would be happier with FAST, HERR or RTZ they port more cylinders in one year than most local shops do in 5 or 10 years.

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There is something to be said about keeping your money local but there is also something to be said about being faster, chances are you would be happier with FAST, HERR or RTZ they port more cylinders in one year than most local shops do in 5 or 10 years.



main jet technology in carbondale, pa

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