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where can i find a manual to build override tranny?

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i build strokers and big bore kits and i want to get into building overdrives. i want to sell them at a cheaper price so a few more guys can afford them.

any help would be great!


Sorry, but nobody is going to give that information and rightfully so, for obvious reasons.

Your best bet is to purchase an override and compare it side by side with an OEM.

If you have the access to machines with the proper tooling, it's not hard duplicate at all.

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haha, yah, i really don't think there is any such literature, just what the guys doing it know. only way you are gonna find out is by building them, whether you are working for a shop that does it, which may present legal problems, preventing you to be allowed to do it. or, you can reverse-engineer, as mentioned, but i don't know what problems that poseses, or you can just design your own systems/cuts. if you spend a day or so reading up on this site, you will find more info than you realize, and, imho, if you can't come up with an override afterwards, then you are probably not gonna make it in the trade. the biggest problem is the machinery to cut them, not as much as just how they work. you will also need to run some r&d and long term hard use trials to find the bugs that will show up.

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