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4mm dune port to 421 cub.


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I'm putting a video together for you tonight with clips of a bunch of our stock cylinder bikes racing, including the FAST drag bike up at St. Anthony with the 300lb rider right there with the hansen boys. I'll upload it tomarrow when I get to work. My connection here at home isn't fast enough to handle big video uploads. It will be up tomarrow sometime.


- Jared

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Here's some videos I have of some stock cylinder bikes cookin up the hills. There's some clips in there of my buddy gregrob who is 300lbs racing against the Hansen Performance guys on his FAST 4mil drag bike. If a stock framed 4mil bike can keep up with their little light-weight jockey'd bikes I know my 10mil Twister would have no trouble at all with them. LOL


- Jared



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Here's some videos I have of some stock cylinder bikes cookin up the hills. There's some clips in there of my buddy gregrob who is 300lbs racing against the Hansen Performance guys on his FAST 4mil drag bike. If a stock framed 4mil bike can keep up with their little light-weight jockey'd bikes I know my 10mil Twister would have no trouble at all with them. LOL


- Jared



Great vids! We need to all go the same weekend, I havn't been able to race any fast banshee's since I got mine done! Last time I was there the only guys that were worth racing was the Hansen crew! And my buddies have 12mils and I'm not match for them.

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Here's some videos I have of some stock cylinder bikes cookin up the hills. There's some clips in there of my buddy gregrob who is 300lbs racing against the Hansen Performance guys on his FAST 4mil drag bike. If a stock framed 4mil bike can keep up with their little light-weight jockey'd bikes I know my 10mil Twister would have no trouble at all with them. LOL


- Jared




I enjoyed that, especially the Twister at the end. I'm sure your twister will dominate the hansen Bros too! Can't wait to see it. Great videos, thanks for posting.

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That's the twister in my sig. That's a kinda slow run on that bike. We were running 10-paddle extremes (which is WAY under-paddle for that bike) racing at 8500ft elevation, and geared low for races that long. You can see in the twister clip that it doesn't hook up for the first 2 or 3 gears. Once it gets 4th reved out and into 5th it finially gets traction and goes. lol We normally run 12 paddle or 14 paddle extremes. The rest of those videos (except the St. Anthony ones) are at KP or Walden which is 7200ft and 8500ft respectively.


Look forward to riding with all you guys this summer. We usually do St. Anthony in july or august. Easter weekend we are hitting up sand mountain UT, then KP for memorial. Probably St. Anthony for the 4th. If anyone wants to come ride at KP with us, we will probably start hitting those dunes in late march / early april.


- Jared

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Cool vid! I don't know why you guys race over in all those whoops when you go just a little farther over and its a smooth hill. (at least it was last time I was there.) That's the best part about KP is there aren't stupid whoops like that at our hill. Nice n smooth top to bottom.

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