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banshee timing question


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ok, I hear everyone talk about advance your timing 4 degrees.


what is the downside of retarding it 5 degrees???


reason I am asking....


my bike runs excellent, I beat 90% of all other bikes I race. I race many banshees with my same mods, and stomp em pretty good.


I went to put on my timing plate today and seen my stocker was notched. but upon further inspection, it is set at 5 degrees retard?



it runs great, tops at around 77MPH, pulls hard up the hills, rips like a bitch in the trails and yet it is 5 degrees retard?


did they mess up and go the wrong way? want more top speed?


I know it sounds way more aggressive than the other banshees I see out there but I am much faster than most.


what is the down side of this? will I pick up by setting +4 or should I leave it the way it is?

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im not sure but it sounds like it would give you more bottom end? do you pull on the other racers? basic engines advanced would give you more top end and retarded would give you more bottom end just my 2cents

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The stock timing plate can be modded to get 4-5 degrees of advance or retard.

People advance the timing because more often than not...banshees have more than enough top end to sacrifice at the expense of better bottom and mid acquired by advancing the timing.


Run it at plus 4. If the bike doesn't run to your liking, you already know how it runs the other way.


I can't believe at -5 on timing it has enough to get out of it's own way till the upper RPMs....though.

Are you sure it's retarded?

It'll be spun clockwise from stock to advance...as said. Just remember:



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the stock plate has been notched. it makes the top turn twards the front of the engine.

my billit plate I put in it to replace it goes the opposite way and is marked 0-+5-+10


it has never really had much bottom end before 3G's but around 4-6 just came to life and ran perfect. kinda chugged anything below 3500R's


I thought they may have done it to gain some top end. it will top out around 77MPH with 14/41 gearing and revs up around 12K no problems


I have it set to +5 now because I have 20CC domes and run a mix of 50/50 race gas so I went for the extra degree.


I wont know how it runs all out until this weekend but I know I could NEVER launch it in second gear, just bogged and you had to let off and hit it again to get it to roll over 2MPH, then it ran fine, no second gear launches for me, until now maybe....

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