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Sandfest 2009 Roll Call


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Well, I got an early start by about an hour. Thought I'd make it in time to have a few beers before calling it a nite. Now, here I sit on the side of the road with a blown out tire on my trailer 1.5 hrs from LS. Waiting on the tire shop to see if they can hook me up with another tire and get me back on my way. Oh well, such is life.


One thing surprised me, and that was the number of ATV trailers that past and didn't stop to see if I needed help! You can bet if one of you was broke down on the side of the road and I drove by, I would stop and lend a hand!



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Well, I got an early start by about an hour. Thought I'd make it in time to have a few beers before calling it a nite. Now, here I sit on the side of the road with a blown out tire on my trailer 1.5 hrs from LS. Waiting on the tire shop to see if they can hook me up with another tire and get me back on my way. Oh well, such is life.


One thing surprised me, and that was the number of ATV trailers that past and didn't stop to see if I needed help! You can bet if one of you was broke down on the side of the road and I drove by, I would stop and lend a hand!




That is a crock of SHIT!!! I hate rude people. I bet all of the people that passed you were Yankees. If you lived in Texas you would have to beat people away trying to help ya. I hope ya'll have a great time! I willl see ya'll next month.

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Well, I got an early start by about an hour. Thought I'd make it in time to have a few beers before calling it a nite. Now, here I sit on the side of the road with a blown out tire on my trailer 1.5 hrs from LS. Waiting on the tire shop to see if they can hook me up with another tire and get me back on my way. Oh well, such is life.


One thing surprised me, and that was the number of ATV trailers that past and didn't stop to see if I needed help! You can bet if one of you was broke down on the side of the road and I drove by, I would stop and lend a hand!





that sucks!, hey i might beat you out there even though i leave today at 5:00!

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Had a great time at sandfest . Shannon it was great meeting you and I am so sorry you got arrested. after you went to jail i went to bed. But hey at least you had a shower before you went!!!!


Even though the events turned a little sour at the end Saturday night it was still a blast. Besides, its gonna take more then one sawed off, bad attitude cop to ruin my good time! It was good to meet you also and I may be in touch with you on those cylinders I have when I get ready to build that motor if your interested. You guys are a blast to party with!


I made it back to KC ok on that shitty trailer tire also.


Zac, Thanks so much for coming to pick me up in Alva and thanks to you, Melly, Trent and Rachel for all the great hospitality! Glad Parker had a good time too.


Bob, Thanks also for getting me outa the clink! As always, it was great riding and hanging with you.


Tanner, Got you added to my friends list also. Good luck with all the future work on your motor and glad to help with the timing plate and all. Sure did wanna see it run again after, but maybe next time! Your wife was a blast to party with as well!


CJ, I got the money you left. Thanks a lot and your are more then welcome to share a camp site with us anytime. I hope Krista had a good time too.


JJ, Boy! I thought you were gonna share a ride with me there for a minute! We sure didn't have room for you at the "hotel" though! 14 of us in a 6 man bunk cell! 7 of us sleeping on the floor! What a lovely time! Hope you get that R put back together! That thing is a screamer fo sho!


Timmy, You sure did miss a good time! I bet Cabo will have a hard time competing all the action we had this weekend brotha!


To anyone that I missed, thanks for making it a great time. I really had a blast! We will have to be sure to get together next time.



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HAHAHA man i cant believe that shit. But that has to be the funniest arrest i have seen. The rear bumper is not a seat.LOL. I actually asked the cop when i was in the truck if i could make a plea bargain to get you out.....i tried man. It was really nice to meet all of you. Thank everyone for doin so much for me...means a lot

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Shannon - No problem, let me know if i need to paypal you some more over i didnt know if the 4th guy ever showed up?, thanks for letting us camp and bum eletric and water from ya!... im only sad that i went back to the camper for some booty early and missed the arrest! ha! glad you found your keys and cash easily enough. bummed we had to left before you got back lol.


zach - as always man, you guys are awesome! LS wouldnt be the same without hanging out with you guys, tell mel we said thanks too, the wife really enjoyed riding along in the buggies. as well as trent and rachael - always such great hospitality! glad to see them, wish they could have broken out the rainbow team moves! that james guy was hilarious too! also zach, the guy with the redlines asked me to email him some of the video from the helmet cam.


bob - as always man! had a great time, we didnt get to ride together much!, thanks for keeping me in the loop with everything and talking on the phone. also thanks for letting me bum a few tx beers wether you wanted to or not lol!


tanner - good to ride with you man, glad we got to go on a fast pace ride, was sick of putting around. hope the adjustible time plate treats ya good.


so whats the next event were all going too?




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yep, i had a great time too guys. i was cool to meet everyone, turned out to be an awesome trip. my wife really liked everyone too. hope she was entertaining enough for ya. was definitely nice for her to have someone to hang out with besides just me. she is down for the next trip already. magz, bob, shannon, it was good to ride with ya, nice to let loose a little. ive got a few pics to post later. certain ones from friday night, ummm, anyone wanna see them. zach??

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we seen that arrest also, it was very entertaining!!! but sorry you got arrested, sucked that cop was a prick, he just had a power trip!!(or thought he did) weekend was good, my new motor ran great!!! thanks jim-passion racing engines. zac/// sorry didnt get to hang out to much, we had a lot going on down at our place, should of came by, maybe next time, plenty of trips coming up. but in all it was a good trip, good racing.

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