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Need Tranny Help!


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well i went riding to dumot dunes and let my friend borrow my bike and when we were going up a dune the bike suddenly stopped and shut off

after that we hauled it back to camp and turned it on and when i put it in gear it doesnt go anywhere it just rev's. i tryed all the gears and wont move.as soon as you let all the clutch out it turns off


Thanks for the help guys, greatly appreciated

Edited by sir_247
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someone??? plz help



I really dont think i can help much but my bike did something similar and i couldn't figure it out...i just took all the discs out of the clutch and put them back in the same order and it kept riding...i dont know if this info helps but it worked for me.

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Sounds like you might have welded you're clutch ball to the clutch rod or clutch adjuster. No big deal. Happens to the best of us.


Pull the pressure plate off and see what's up. You should be able to see what happened as soon as you take the pressure plate off.


yep its either welded or you just wore it down a lot. the banshee don't have a lot of play on the pressure plate. mine did the same thing the other day. clutch was fried. and i got a used clutch and it still slipped bad. so abbot told me a trick. put in an extra steel right next to another one and it will let your springs hold better.

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I am surprised no one caught those nasty grooved plates in your first pics. The clutch ball is fine. Your clutch pack made change and likely due to excessive chatter and irregular forces on them from being worn out (Force on one finger instead of all 12). With the clutch apart, you need to make sure the main axle (center shaft of clutch) spins free as a bird in N and bike can be shifted in all gears. Normal for it to bind a bit without the engine running but should get pos engagement in all gears. Take chain off and confirm PTO is spinning.




You need to carefully inspect the clutch basket and inner hub for wear or you will be right back in there again if they are toast.




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i noticed that the clutch basket has like groves going towards inside as if they were slanted is that wear?


so the bike should kick in to neutral?



Show pics of what you are looking at. From the wear I saw on your plates, your basket is likely toast.


Yes, bike should go into neutral right now. Since clutch cover is off, make sure the shift shaft is all the way in. An experienced hand should be able to tell you in a few minutes if there is a trans concern. Might want to get someone over to look. They are not hard to diagnose.





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yeah thats the shift shaft. see the little flathead, thats and elptical adjustment, if you turn it you can see the little rachet for the shift star should be equal between top and bottom pin in neutral. it probably wouldnt go in neutral because of some piece of somthing jamming it


the grooves in the basket arent too bad, ive had much worse. BUT the inner basket looks toast. it shouldnt have grooves in it. ive had the basket do it bad but never the inside basket.




the clutch and the pancake bearing

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