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Are the stock carb bowls identical

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I thought I read somewhere that the bowl with the fuel passage should go on the carb with the choke plunger. Problem with that is.... both bowls have that fuel passage and they are identical as far as I can tell.


Can anyone confirm that the bowls are the same and if not, what's the difference?

If they are different, would having the wrong bowl on the wrong carb cause the motor not to start?




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They are not identical. The one has a jet for the choke, the other not. The one with the jet goes on the carb with the choke.




Take a flashlight and shine down each passage ( the bigger passage ), one should have a jet in it, looks similar to a pilot jet, also screws out. You should also be able to see, the one passage is completely blocked off, while the other one has a small hole on the bottom of the passage to allow fuel into it.

Edited by Klaus
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