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Everything posted by Tobynblevins

  1. Then what's causing them scratches? I can only imagine what it will do when I actually start the engine.
  2. You really think that's a good idea lol...I just $$$$$ out the ass getting it plated and new piston
  3. Sorry the other side is scratched to it's not as bad I almost missed it Sent from my SM-J337VPP using Tapatalk
  4. Only place is there its not bad but dont want to fuck up a fresh cylinder Sent from my SM-J337VPP using Tapatalk
  5. It wont let me show a full picture it makes me crop it till it's so distorted.. power seal usa did the plating .. I dont know why there is a option to upload pictures because they make me crop them so much before i can upload them and it makes them blurry
  6. I have light scratches in my fresh plated cylinder I have not started engine yet only moved flywheel to let piston go up and down. Notice a slight bit of resistance every now an then but not every single time the piston goes up and down it's just somtimes.. wondering if its normal for light scratches to appear with a new plated cylinder. Never started just turned bye hand
  7. I was riding my banshee an it quit running checked the plugs and they was rust red one looked kinda black but no oil on it.. I cleaned the plugs and it started back up and ran great.. what would have caused it to do that
  8. Can I buy a timesert yes definitely will I pay almost 100$ for 1 hell no that's a RIP off.. and after putting around 6 grand building my banshee I have had no problems. Gas is the only thing that kills my pockets lol
  9. I was thinking if I spaced them they would line up.. but I found some 2in long ones and 3 inch
  10. Was wondering if heli serts will fix my cylinder head stud holes on my banshee.. then seam a little to short..if they will work would it be ok to mark it and put 2 heli coils in 1 hole for extra strength
  11. I'm in Williamson wv those are not available.. I mean we have 1 but I'm not sure they do that... if they do probably just try to thread it
  12. I think it was already like that and never caught it not really sure I know it blue a head gasket I got the cylinder bored and ported off Ebay wanted a original cylinder. what size do I need
  13. My stud bolt hole on my cylinder head is stripped out which caused my gasket to go out trying to find some heli inserts to fit but not sure what ones to use can Somone send a link to some that will work.. prefer the longer ones which I can't seem to find but I really don't know what size to use I have a stock cylinder stock studs ty much appreciated .. I like to do my shopping on eBay by the way
  14. I mean what would cause that?.. runs fine cylinder is even no cracks I'm just thinking it's the cheep gasket
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