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About Eighty9shee

  • Birthday 09/14/1990

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  • Location
    Yuma, AZ

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  • My Banshee (optional)
    It's an 89 banshee, red plastics, black frame. I have two PJ series keihin carbs on it. Toomey pipes all the way. Engine modded but I don't know too much in that category thus far, hope to get some help.

Eighty9shee's Achievements

HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. striped screw in the clutch case cover side.. ugh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. vulvafan537240


      use a dremel cut off wheel to make a flat head screw out of it.


    3. Zillaguy


      Flat punch and a hammer 3 hits usually will do it, and mushroom the phillips head, then beat a #3 phillips into the mushroomed head... It should come out with very little effort now..

    4. Eighty9shee


      thanks everyone, i got it out


  2. Toomey T5 pipes, no air box, k&n duel, pj keihin carbs, no port. Elevation around 300' and temp 90+. Any help regarding starting point for jetting would be appreciated. It's at 160 main and 50 pilot right now.. Not running well.
  3. Elevation around 300' temperature 90+. Jetting starting point?

  4. 1) What type of aftermarket exhaust do you have? Toomey T5 2) What type of airfilter do you have? K &N dual pods 3) Are you a)running a stock airbox with lid stock airbox with NO lid c) Stock airbox with vents d) no airbox at all. No air box at all 4) What is your elevation? 300 Ft. 5) What size pilot jets are you using? 50 6) What size main jets are you using? 160 7) What temperature is your Banshee jetted for? 90+ 8) Do you have a port job? No clue... 9) What kind of carbs? Keihin (PJ) 10) What size carbs? 34 I believe.. Hey everyone, feedback regarding my set up would be much appreciated. Just bought my banshee not too long ago, and the owner didn't tell me much about the guts of the thing. It has two keihin carbs not too sure about the size I looked online and I think the pj series only comes in 34, does anyone know?... Both of which have a choke. Does that mean no choke tube is required? And some advice for the jets would be great, thanks.
  5. question.. I dont think there is a choke tube on my carbs... keihin's... they both have a choke on them.. any inputs?
  6. Does anybody know what a good starting point to set my idle's at on my keihin (pj) carbs?

    1. NYUK


      right in between bogging, shutting off, and revving real high.


    2. Eighty9shee


      Sorry i worded that wrong. My carbs choke also control the idle when twisted.. It's just difficult to judge. Thanks though

  7. yeah I have no idea what a good starting point for my Pj's idle either. any ideas anyone?
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