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Everything posted by ECshee

  1. ITS D-day.....what the fuck is going on!?!?
  2. Head-count for tomorrows ride?

  3. where to? gliddens? i cant believe we sstill dont know
  4. yeppers...ill be out at the lake tomorrow i think. anyone going hit me up. i need a place i can park a trailer.
  5. imight have one in the garage
  6. thats the same as the lake. cops may, or may not show up. anythings a gamble, no need to split everyone up
  7. page doesnt work. but 10 series should be decently loud. dunno what motor theyre for either, possibly ford?
  8. Well, weve got 13-14 days to finalize this.
  9. im in NJ. so they could very possibly be there by friday....pm me if youd like to get this going. i can snap pics now if need be
  10. whats cheap? i have some red ones in a prepaid box already, and ready to ship. ive been looking to get rid of for a year now. i wound up upgrading to triple rates. i can ship them tomorrow morning if need be.
  11. edit to the last post....5 years is a great understatement. its probably been almost 10.
  12. I was afraid of that. Im really hoping we can figure out a place to ride. I was thinking about gliddens too but i havent been out there but once or twice, and like 5 years ago.
  13. you better be ready to drop some loot, and start disassembling your motor. have it aggressive trail/ dune ported. add either a cool head with specific dome for your build, or have the head custom cut. 4mils are nice. that should be plenty to start
  14. if it was a decent split id take the headers and willard could have the silencers. Nice fuckin pipes though. chrome looks great
  15. We could also take a chance at gliddens. JOHN is right though gents, aint nowhere in jersey safe to ride anymore.... I just want to get this in order and concrete. Id like a good turn out. Im down for either the 18th or the 19th. I figured the 18th just because its a saturday and most people arent working. I dont think itll matter what day, people in jersey ride all day saturday and all day sunday. I never knew there was a specific or preferred day that people in NJ rode? lol If we do sarco's which it sounds like we are.... JUST NO BBQ's OR TENTS.
  16. Whats left or still available? Update the thread please
  17. Yea i dont want this to fizzle out. We need to set something up in stone. I dont know if camping is worth it. Depends on where this dude george lives. If it were up to me id just make a day of it and say August 18th, Sarco's Pit, BHQ Jamboree. TTT
  18. id ride that shit. that thing is badass. clean cafe racer
  19. yea id do 150. but 210 PLUS shipping is rough.
  20. Who is this guy george? where is his land?
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