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Posts posted by evro

  1. don't beat yourself up for getting a good deal man, and remember that possession is 9/10's of the law.


    like everyone else said, save everything you have relating to the deal (texts, threats, e-mails etc) and then don't let it take up any more of your time until you hear from his lawyer or the cops. anyone who threatens to sick 8 cage fighting buddies on you hasn't thought far enough ahead to deal with getting "NO" for an answer.


    just make sure all your toys are locked up, this guy sounds more like someone who would try to steal it or just vandalize your shit to get even.......


    oh yeah, one more thing.....get out and ride the shit out of YOUR banshee :thumbsup:

  2. yeah, i'm on the same page as everyone else. GSP dominated Alves plain and simple. I had a hard time liking Lesnar before....the only thing worse than a poor loser, is an arrogant winner.


    And Hendo, Dan Henderson, thanks for the knockout thats going to keep me laughing thru most of next week. Bisping finally shut his fucking mouth. My favorite part was Joe Rogan saying, "Michael Bisping is still unconscious"


    Solid card tho, lets see more like that.....

  3. my dad bought his first sled in 1967. He turned 65 last october and put almost 2000 miles on his sled last winter. the first day i had my new banshee out this spring, he was almost as hyped to try it out as i was. his buddy's dad quit riding his sled two years ago at the age of 82. granted he didn't ride too fast anymore, and stayed on the groomed trails, but he was sensible enough to know where he was and wasn't comfortable riding anymore.....but it still put a grin on his face.


    if you enjoy it, only you'll know when you've had enough. i agree with sheefreak, as long as you're still alert and not a danger to those around you, keep on riding.


    in my experience, when people start getting older and their families force them to quit participating in what they love, on alot of occasions they lose that youthful zeal that keeps them sharp and alert.....and also alive.


    keep ridng, and happy trails to you and your wife!

  4. My running temps are generally in the 70C-80C range (158F-186F). The only time it creeps up on me is if i sit and idle for too long. Even in tight woods as long as i keep her movin the temps stay in that range. I've got my temp warning lights set to 90C and 100C (194F, 212F). Shift light set to 6500 and overrev at 9500. My mods are fairly basic tho, pipes and silencers, K&N pods and +4 timing. I do use the resistor type plugs so i cant chime in on that one other than to say some guys dont use them and have no problems, but some guys do have to use them. I used a piece of flat 1/8th aluminum and rigged it up over my handle bar clamp using a u clamp on either side around the handlebars. Its easy to see and read, but i have to move it to check my mounting bolts so i gotta find a better permanent home for it, just not sure where yet.


    I love my TT, and coming from sleds and streetbikes, i've always had gauges or instrumentation of some sort on all my toys. It just didn't feel right for me to not have a tach and a temp warning light. Don't get me wrong, i always listen for problems when i'm riding, but it sure is nice to have the gauges.


    Is anyone out there using the TT dash board? they're the tits, but a few $$$.

  5. i agree with all of you, its hideous and ridiculous....


    but just to point out, regarding his english, the dude is from Quebec. So french would be his first (and probably only) language, and Ebay will have used a computer program to translate his initial listing.





  6. All i ride is trails and open fields. No sand here really. I was just trying to say that you're more likely to find open water on a trail (at least the trails i ride), than in sand. Lots of guys have troubles with throttles sticking when their carbs get wet. In theory, the TORS is designed to prevent that. Like i said, i do 90% trail riding, and my TORS is gone. I also switched to pods so i am a little more concerned about water and the carb intakes now than i was when i had the full airbox. I switched more for the maintenance benefits, than the performance gains.

  7. i purchased the tread in puller. but i did leave my garage for a few and my freind decieded to adjust the gap again .. but with a hammer. he said he lightly hit it. could that be the reason.

    or if the timing is off so horidly it wouldnt get spark correct?

    all help is apprecitated. god i hate my life


    take the hammer, hit your friend, and tell him never to touch your shit when you aren't there.....lol


  8. its a throttle override system to prevent sticking open. it also happens to clutter up the top of the engine bay. i removed mine last weekend, including the electrical wiring and it makes things way easier to tune your bike. i never had problems with the TORS but for sure, some guys have. i paid the $$$ for the motion pro kit and i'm glad i did. pulling the carbs for maintenance and repair is much easier now. if you ride in wet areas, then you may want to leave the tors intact (i personally still wouldn't) due to how the carbs respond to water....i've never had my banshee stick open on me....but then again, i havent been on a trail yet since i did the removal.

  9. hey loco, whats up bro. If i want a couple of t-shirts as well would you be able to ship them to me in one package with the stickers as well? I'm in Canada so i know the shipping will be a different price. I'd like 2 silver www.bansheehq 10 inch, 1 blue silhouette and i'd take a t-shirt in each color as well. Probably an X-L, i'm about 195 pounds. PM me if you're down with this and to let me know a total $$$ for you.


    Thanks man.

  10. I remember my dad showing me this trick with a big rig diesel engine years ago. The old 2 stroke detroit diesels would run in reverse if you stopped cranking the engine right before it fired. The built up compression would actually spring back and the engine would fire and run in reverse (blowing exhaust out the intake and vise versa). While this is not good for the engine it is possible under the right circumstances.


    I've got a neighbour with a Lanz Bulldog diesel (tractor) that he brought with him when he emigrated from Holland back in the day. it's engineered to have reverse using the exact same principle. pretty cool stuff. you take the steering wheel off the column to crank start the old bitch. its a fine art to pop it off of the shaft right as the engine fires.


    sorry..got a little off topic but its still pretty interesting...

  11. Shamrock had to back out hours before the fight. Seth Petruzelli (TUF alumni) stepped up and KO'd Kimbo in something like 20 seconds. Kimbo is on the next Ultimate Fighter thats featuring the heavyweights. Good for ratings, so dont expect to see him fight until 2 months in or later.

  12. i paid about 155 beans (Canadian, probably find one for less down there, 120 maybe?). everything you need is in there including a cheap plastic handlebar mount. it works, but you can also get nice billet dashboards but they are a few $$$. there is a magnetic rotor bolt to replace one of your stockers but be careful, they dont take much torque and snap easily. i speak from experience on that one. they also include a small magnet that you can epoxy to the rotor but i had my doubts that it would stay on so i tapped out one of the rotor cooling holes and epoxied the little bugger right into it. Its been working great. the sensor mount may take a little fabricating, but if you can use a drill and have bits its not a problem...just remember to "dry" fit first so the sensor and magnet will line up when the wheel turns.


    As for the electrical, i tapped right into the harness under the seat (yellow wire if i recall correctly but i can post pics in a few days if you like). if you dont hook up to a power supply, your warning lights and gauge backlight won't function. Temperature gauge sensor just splices into your hot rad hose.....stupid simple....just remember to drain some of the coolant first. i used it as a good opportunity to flush my cooling system.


    as for the tach wire, different guys do it a different ways. i started with 10 tight wraps around my plug wire, then tried 5 with little difference, and now i actually just ran the lead wire parallel down the plug wire for about four inches, electrical taped it on and thats how i've been running it since.


    If you're mechanically inclined, and know your quad, you can have this unit installed in a few hours with e-tape, soldering gun & solder, and a few basic tools. This will also include the time you need to drink a few beers while you're at it. :thumbsup:


    i dont have the link, but just go to Trail Tech's home page it and you can download the PDF installation files and check them out. If you do get one, by the time it gets to you, you can already know pretty much exactly what you have to do.



  13. they are stock cages for sure and i'm 99% sure those are carbon techs. also, the black stuff in the intake is leftover paint, from when yamaha painted the cylinders. totally normal. dude, you need to fix your intakes up so they flow better....LOL. i can't stand looking @ those pics....LOL. makes me want to get out my foredom tools and fix it for ya....LOL.


    haha. yeah i certainly wont argue with ya after seeing some of the port jobs you guys have going on....smooth as glass. since i bought it in december i've put 1500 into her including new tires, trail tech, and some parts from FAST. Just waiting on my arms now to do the full yfz450 front end swap with ltr shocks. I'd love to get a port job done but i've already overspent this year. Sled season this winter up here may end up being port season for the banshee but i'll probably wait one more year and do a complete rebuild then. Its a long cold winter....


    the concensus seems to be carbon techs for the reeds. i'm waiting on my TORS eliminator, K&N pods, and timing plate (and other assorted goodies) form Jeff so i thought i'd get to know my setup a little better while shes down. thanks guys

  14. Can any of you guys identify what brand(s) of reeds and cages these are? They are on my banshee and i just dont know enough of the different brands and their characteristics to make a decision.






    one more question so i'll just use this same post. i also took off my spacers & gaskets and found this black shit on the intake ports. i tried to wipe it off but it wont come off with just a rag. is this black shit normal?





    i noticed that the there were two gaskets between the jugs and spacers, 1 gasket between the spacers and cages, and no gaskets between the cages and intake boot. I'm assuming that the cages and intakes should have a gasket while the jugs and spacers should only have 1 instead of two? Or is there a specific reason for having doubled up those gaskets?


    hopefully the links for the photos work. thanks guys

  15. yeah, i love my trailtech. i like being able to keep a close eye on the temperature. i calibrated mine with a gps as well. I'm within 2%, thats pretty damn close, as close the average automobile. at speed, the tires get narrower and taller* so theres always gonna be fluctuations. :thumbsup: freudian slip

  16. Stopped in at the shop today and they gave me a phillips driver, 6 ml socket, and 2 dental picks then sent me out to their old shed and a pile of probably 150 old carbs. I found a bank of 4 mikunis off an old inline and was able to get all four washers out so i'm back in business. :thumbsup: I sure do appreciate your offer to hook me up though. Thanks man.


    I was thinking that 230 mains sounded lean but that was how my buddy ran it for 4 years....but you're right about it being jetted for the lid, that is how he ran it. I'll be calling Jeff tomorrow for my TORS eliminator, carb kits, and recommended jets...and maybe K&N pods as well. I'll have to see. I don't really get into water at all except for early in the season when there is still a bit of snow on the trails. Plus i can keep the airbox on until it dries up.


    I'll likely head out tomorrow and put the carbs back together (and the lid back on the airbox) so i can run this weekend without doing any damage but i'll keep you posted with my jetting adventures after all my parts get here. Thanks again bro, you've been a big help and i appreciate you responding to my post that no one else seemed to want to touch. :thanks:


    later heathen.

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