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Posts posted by evro

  1. GSP said in an interview that he thinnks alves would beat bj....but alves is also at least 30 pounds heavier...just a way bigger dude naturally. bj pisses and whines saying that "all these guys wanna train with me (florian, sanchez) and then they want to fight me." well, he's right. when you're a champion, you're the guy the contenders want to beat. nothing disrespectful in that. quite the opposite i think. bj should take it as a compliment. it's like he gets offended that someone could think they deserve a shot at his belt.

    i have the utmost respect for his game. he can get by on talent alone and i enjoy watching him fight. he's a technically and athletically sound fighter, and he is also a tough fighter.


    but i cant stand his fucking whining.


    Nice overhand left by Mir. Is fucking huge or what?, he weighed in for brock around 240+ and he was basically the 265 last night. he was noticeably bigger....but he is still noticeably smaller than lesnar.

  2. i would be puttin my cash on fedor as well at this point in time. i certainly agree that lesnar is a gifted athlete and truly rare physical specimen but fedor is gifted in his own right as well. as someone else stated, he's almost alwayse the smaller guy. christ if he hired a diet specialist and laid off the russian cuisine he could fight at 205. people have a hard time granting him respect because he doesn't look the part of the stereotypical "fighter". He's pudgy and babyfaced and the most relaxed looking fighter in the biz. the guy is absolutely emotionless in the ring. his facial expression hardly changes.

    fedor's no idiot. there will certainly be method behind his madness....


    as an MMA fan, i want to see that fight........but i do hope they dont wait too long. like lewis vs. tyson. that fight would have been a lot different if it would have gone down 10 or so years earlier.

  3. i'd have to agree with the majority here. Not once did Kimbo ever give me a reason to hate on him. As a matter of fact, at close to 36 years of age, to join one of the best ground camps around, shows the desire to learn, and improve. I respect that. Some guys want to blame injuries or other reasons when they fail to perform, whereas Kimbo just came right out and said, "i don't have those skills, but i'll damn sure work on learning them". I wish the dude all the luck in the world. Hopefully he'll give us a handfull of good fights and socks some $$$ away while hes at it.

  4. saw Alba juggs and this is where my thoughts went....


    i would agree with everyone else tho. he's leaving a shitload of power on the table running stock exhaust on souped jugs. unless he was going to upgrade the exhaust too but ran out of money...? or needs a quick sale....


    nice clean bike though, no doubt about that.


  5. Male Date-Drug

    (be sure to watch the video link at the end)


    Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties & local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink by any woman.


    Many females use a date-drug on the market called 'Beer ' .


    The drug is found in liquid form and is available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, or from taps and in large kegs.


    Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and sleep with them.


    A woman needs only to get a guy to consume a few units of Beer and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex.


    Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several Beers , men will often succumb to the desires to sleep with horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted.


    After drinking Beer , men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that 'something bad' occurred.


    At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings, in a familiar scam known as 'a relationship' . In extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as 'marriage'.

    Men are much more susceptible to this scam after Beer is administered and sex is offered by the predatory females.


    If you fall victim to this 'Beer ' scam and the women administering it, there are male support groups where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter with similarly victimized men.


    For the support group nearest you, just look up 'Golf Courses' in the phone book.


    For a video to see how Beer works click here:



  6. situation; border patrol catches beach dude with some grass, the following conversation ensues....


    border patrol #1 - okay, are you smuggling large amounts?

    beach dude - no,thats just my personal stash.

    border patrol #2 - are you absolutely sure?

    beach dude - yes, i'm sure. i don't have any more.

    border patrol #2 - well, it seems like you're telling the truth......

    border patrol #1 - ok, here's what we're gonna do. we won't write you up and we'll let you go with a warning, but we have to confiscate your marijuana and paraphernalia.


    beach dude leaves......


    border patrol #1 to camera man - turn that thing off.


    border patrol #1 - so......you wanna smoke some weed?

    border patrol #2 - HELL YEAH, fire that shit up.....and get over here camera man.

  7. every member that has tried the freeze/butter method has stated that it worked for them. the only advice i can give you is calm down, take a deep breath, relax, and tell your old man to go smash his own fuckin shit if he gets pissed off. quite often, 10 or 15 minutes of logical thinking can save hours of frustrated struggling. if you get to the point that you want to smash something, smash something useless, not a set of chromed exhaust pipes. :confused: or even better, walk away from it and leave it alone until you've calmed down.


    i'd have to agree with all of the other guys that the pipes should be a universal fit. i could be wrong, but in this case, i doubt it.


    Good luck

  8. if i miss a card or fight, i usually just google the fight i want to see and i'm able to pull it up somewhere. wasn't a bad card for finishes either. nothing worse than a card full of decisions and the judges weren't watching the same fights as us poor bastards at home. I was impressed, Koschek stood in the pocket with him and used decent head/upper body movement to avoid the Johnson Bombs. On a different night though, that fight could go a different way.....every time. They're pretty evenly skilled guys right now.


    Sounds like Hardy/GSP is a done deal already. I'd be guessing February or March....maybe they'll do it in April in Montreal again but i have a feeling this fight might end up being in the UK.

  9. although i was expecting it to be Johnson, its still a better option than giving Hardy the title shot straight away. Koschek looked sharp, cant argue that. it looked like he sold the eye poke a little but i think the finger came well before the illegal knee, not at the same time. softened him up with some gnp, a few elbows to the mush, and at that point you could see how tired Johnson was and you could just tell Kos was gonna sink the choke.

  10. Hardy is getting a title shot way faster than most other fighters have ever received one. i would say Hardy vs. Johnson (i'm assuming Johnson will handle Kos easily and be professional enough to make his cut) with the winner to fight GSP. Downfall with that theory is it would be February before Hardy/Johnson could get at it so the winner wouldn't be able to challenge GSP until around May of next year and thats way too long of a layoff for GSP and not fair to him. He should get his next fight by March of next year at the latest.


    I didnt expect hardy to beat swick so kudos to hardy, but swick didnt look as good as i've seen him before. Hardy's got a powerful left hand (he used to knock out markham) and he had it dialed in to counter swick all night. i cant believe that swick didnt try something else when it became obvious that hardy would just keep countering with his left. That said, Hardy impressed me but i dont know if, after 3 fights, hes really earned a shot at GSP yet. It would have been nice to see Hardy fight the likes of Alves or Fitch, (a perennial contender) or even Carlos Condit who is a former champ. Swick is a good fighter, but hes not a perennial top 5 guy.

  11. past steroid use catchin up to Brock, maybe? i doubt it but i also wouldnt be surprised.....


    i smell another interim title bout comin up here. Nogeuira had to back out of the Velasquez fight due to injury, and if Lesnar cant defend the belt within a reasonable time frame i wouldn't be surprised to see Carwin vs. Velasquez for an interim title holder who would fight Brock when he returns.......

  12. couture/vera - even with his age and the cut, randy should be physically stronger and most of the time when he is the stronger fighter he imposes his will. vera is long and rangy, but so is tim sylvia. i dont know about g'n'p though so i'll say randy by decision


    swick/hardy - swick has never really been in trouble in any of the fights i've seen but he is fast. still haven't seen enough of hardy to really know he responds to being on the receiving end. he's never fought a striker like swick. that being said, when hardy gets tagged a few times (which he will fighting swick), if he doesnt like it, i see it going to the ground where swick will use his reach/length to pull in arm, leg or neck to submit hardy


    bisping/kang - bisping seems to behave a little more respectably since hendo deflated his fat fuckin ego for him but bisping just doesnt strike me as having one punch KO power. kang on the other hand, if he returns to his pride form, could knock bisping TFO. look for bisping to try to go the distance. bisping/decision or kang/finish


    Now watch every fight go the other way lol....

  13. Good idea on the USPS shipping Elka. I'm with savage on that one. I'm in MB and i'll only buy if the shipper agrees to use USPS. I've never used Fedex delivery. I flat out refuse to use UPS to ship goods to me across the 49th. The border fees are ridiculous. The only time i ever used UPS, they paid 10 bucks worth of GST for me, then charged me the 10$ + a 20$ fee for the "service" of temporarily covering my 10$. Then they piled the duties on top of that. My 150$ helmet ended up running me 250$ by the time i paid all the charges. A real fuck job. There are also less after the fact charges if goods are shipped by air. The initial rate will be a little more, but generally it is easily saved on the charges that you are exempt from. My PC304 silencers (off ebay) came by air (from Phili) and there wasn't an extra penny of charges of any sort. Gotta love those deals.

    Also, as Mjv suggested, you can request the seller mark the contents at a lower value so the duties are less. I was told by Canada Customs that the if the value of the goods is 20$ or less then you will be exempt from duties.

  14. no doubt about it. it looked like a haymaker from one angle but the second angle showed it alot better. right o the button, and short too.


    yeah if miller had a few more seconds of that choke who knows what woulda happened. i've definitely paid more, to be less entertained....

  15. should be a helluva fight. the only guy to ever really tag fedor is Fujita and i dont know how Fedor stayed on his feet after that one, let alone win the fight. Eventually, Fedor has to lose. Its an unwritten rule, the longer you go undeafeated, the more likely you are to lose your next fight.


    rogers is a damn big dude and he definitely has a punchers chance but if he cant end it quickly his chances diminish with every passing second i think. even with his size advantage, i dont think rogers wants it going to the ground. fedor is likely the more completely skilled and has decent submissions too.


    p.s. no worries on the hoodie tyler, it gets here when it gets here.

  16. the kid is learning one of lifes tough lessons here. that is shit service from the dealership. if anything, the most important thing he'll learn is not to trust the dealers, and to learn how to look after shit himself.


    when i bought my banshee, the friend i bought it off of took it to the dealer for an tune up because he didnt want to sell it to me "as is". He is a stand up guy. The dealer performed their "tune up" which consisted of cleaning the carbs and then not putting the main jet washers back in. Instead of replacing the washers that he lost, he used a punch, came in from the top of the throttle body, and burred the carb and emultion tube so that the tube wouldnt slide in and out with the fule mixture and needle. WTF. This guy is supposed to be a certified machanic! After i saw that when i got it home, i pulled the carbs, posted on here regarding the situation and had a response from AK within a few hours. To boot, the mechanic said that 240 mains were big enough for K&N filter, aftermarket reeds, and full DG exhaust running at 1600 ft asl. Again, got on here, made a post, and a week later when i got a handfull of jets from a site sponsor, i was able to tune it myself and needed 310 mains to get the best out of her. Thats when i decided fuck the dealership i'll never go back, which wasn't quite true because i did go back to rip those fuckers new assholes and tell them that i'll make sure no one i know ever goes there again.


    It seems like if youre not buying something new from them, they just dont have time for you.

  17. pretty much the same rules as the NHL. truly gifted players can make the jump from major junior to pro, but most end up in a semi pro league for a few years before going to the NHL, if they make it at all.


    it could easily be called a charge, from the moment Liambas crossed the blue line his intent was to hit Fanelli and he took himself up to full speed to deliver the hit......could have been boarding as well. i guess at least he didn't leave his feet to make the hit (which he has been known to do). the basic rule the players are taught for hitting from behind is if you can see any part of the back of a players jersey you shouldn't be hitting him so it is kinda hard to call it an emphatic hit from behind yet.......? granted, Fanelli (16 year old rookie) turned his back, but it was to play the puck moreso than to avoid a hit. he wasnt expecting Liambas (20 year old vet) to finish the hit. Liambas knew it was dirty, because he was expecting the other team to confront him after. he wouldnt drop his gloves cause i think he knew with his track record (bit of a history with sketchy hits like that) that he had just made a huge mistake already.


    Liambas was going nowhere in the sport anyways. In 124 games, he scored 13 points (3 goals, 10 assists) and had 357 penalty minutes. At 5 ft 9, hes not tall, but he is 210 pounds and i guarantee he'll have single digit body fat % levels. That makes for a solid dude. Its pretty safe to assume that at major junior level, everybody can skate at least 20 mph and he was definitely at full speed or very close when he made contact. Ouch. You'll have definitely seen this in junior too ny98, how the younger guys are still just kids physically, while the older guys are men....and some fuckin big men too.


    i guess its got more to do with respect. He should have laid up. Sprains, strains, and tears are common. Broken fingers and arms and legs happen. Lacerations too. A concussion is one thing, it happens in contact sports, but to fracture the guys skull and orbital.....wow. Had they fought and he suffered those injuries, thats a different story.


    Good riddance to Liambas.

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