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Everything posted by devin4491

  1. w/e im not worried about it... i guess whenever they go out i'll buy new spindles too... the ones i gt are crap anyway.
  2. explain what that means... cuz im wondering the same thing as him
  3. bump... come on i know someone wants these...
  4. lol or bury the throttle and hope you get through it... but i had all dirtbikes up until last april when i got my first ltr... but i had 2 rm250's and a kx125 and hated the twist throttles.. lil flipped on of my 250's twice and wayy over shot a triple cuz of that damn twist throttle... lol
  5. ok heres some pics... there are a few marks, but they are from havin grease on my hands from takin the bolts out... and there is like one or two MINOR scuffs on the bottom. but i still consider them mint.. no scrathes or wear spots.. also they DO NOT come with the lower a arms bolts...
  6. gotta charge the stupid camera.. so ill have em up by tonight guys
  7. i want to drag race, and i got the lonestars because they are like $1100 but i got them cuz it was a great deal and i know i can turn around and sell them or trade them very easily for almost any a arm i want.. i also had an r1 engine i was putting in the bike, so weight wasnt one of my worries.. butnow im goin with a 4 mill so weight is a priority now... and im goin to take the pics right now... for you guys
  8. i have a set of lonestar +2+1's.. chrome, ABSOLUTE MINT CONDITION.. no scratches scuffs, nothing wrong with them AT ALL! i dont have any pics right now, but will snap some as soon as i get a chance... also i have some shark racing +2 polished tie rods.. they are also in MINT condition.. i am willing to trade for some fireball or wicked drag a-arms, chrome in almost equally good condition, and tie rods if you have them...
  9. No i dont have a title.. bike wasnt stolen or anything.. i think the title was thrown out with the bike that it came from.
  10. pics too small... got any bigger ones? this might help you out
  11. heres some pics... im located in New Orleans, La.. hope this helps. thanks for lookin
  12. just got my gun drilled 28" modquad drag axle in today... im excited... just thought i throw it out there... but before i got to excited, who has these and who likes them? are you happy with your money spent? let me know whats up
  13. its gunna sit stupid high, if it works at all... i know that where they bolt up, the shock is alot skinnier than banshees.. but the reservoir might get in the way of somethin.. but askin him to let you try is your best bet
  14. i dont know whos gunna be doing the engine work yet.. just spitballin tryin to find out as much as i can so ill know what i gotta do before i start. runnin dirt and sand. and only asphault ridin around by my house
  15. If i want to run a 4 mil stroker, does that mean i run big bore pipes or small bore? since it will still be stock bore, just stroked. also the kind of pipes i want are some shearer oof's.. no silencers
  16. i fckin love that movieeee. never back down. lol made me want to start fighting
  17. lol the a arms have literally like 2 rides on them in sand.. they are in MINT condition.. and i mean like absolutely perfect. so im not to worried about the ball joints lol
  18. havent had the time yet... work and school every day this week and last week. but i hope to do it soon..
  19. lol he did just back that up..
  20. your not discouraging me.. and i appreciate it, because it is showing how much i need and putting it into perspective for me.. lol its gunna be a task. i just realized that if i get the engine for trade that would be best because it would include all the small stuff, ready to run.. and i can build up to what i want.. and still be able to ride my first shee at the same time.. which sounds good to me.. it wont be apart waiting for this and that.
  21. yeah lol. thanks. i know there has to be someone that wants an r1 engine.. you can make all kinds of fast things... a beast go cart.. an r1 lol you can put it in a four wheeler... even a power wheels. ANYTHING. imagine the possibilities.
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