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Everything posted by Wildcardracing

  1. The compression should improve after the engine is broke in and the rings have seated.
  2. I just hope I can get the damn thing put back together in time for Easter, I'm stuck in Iowa till Friday and shee's tore to pieces in my garage. lol.
  3. There are some serious Rhinos out there, supercharged...nitrous...ect. But , if I had to place a bet I'd say you're gonna school him pretty bad.
  4. Make sure you find a low bore set of cylinders, probably a play, trail, wood or dune port at most for what riding you talked about. I would stay clear of drag porting. Just my .02
  5. I'm sorry, but I doubt anyone will have a starting point for him because Ive never heard of anyone running a combo like that. What do I know though, may run like a stripped ass ape.
  6. I agree, keep your banshee. My banshee walked all over a piped and ported zilla last fall at a drag (guy riding zilla may have outwieghed me by 100lbs.)
  7. just a play/dune port and paddles, everything else is factory stock not even piped.lol
  8. I'm a little confused as to what exact riding he's trying to set this up for, he has some contradictory mods here. Also, a 39 seems very eccessive for a stock stroke/cylinder bike. imo
  9. SHIT!!!! I hope those get the job done! What kinda choices do ya have left if they dont?
  10. there is a reason they quit making them i am sure. Yea, Suzuki got sued because some kid went and got himself killed on a 500 so it scared them out of the whole sportquad scene all together.
  11. I guess you need a paid subscription to post pics, right?? All my money goes into the shee not my web access, lol.
  12. I've already experienced first hand what a ported stroker methanol bike is capable of I better wear some padded pants, after that spankin my ass might be red, lol :yelrotflmao: We'll deffinately have to try the carbs out, should be fun, my reeds are no good for alky though. ::
  13. Yo guys may beat me up on this one, but from the factory my bike overheated like a mother if it was over 90 deg or on slower trail sections. My jetting was spot on (low mid and top end plug chop verified), I tried all the goodies and they all helped a little (cool head, billet impellor, engine ice). It wasn't till I burnt it down that I discovered how !@#$ed up my factory cylinder castings were, think I got a monday bike, lol. I did a nice cleanup port and polished the shit outa the exhaust side, got rid of all of the casting flaws and that is what finally solved the overheating issues for me. Best I can figure is the unusually rough casting in the exhaust wasn't allowing it to disipate the heat efficiently. Just somethin to think about.
  14. Oil injector blockoff is already done, deffinately will get video! :thumbsup:
  15. I PM'd Kevin, he'll probably be gettin ahold of ya on here.
  16. It allows you to adjust your timing advance + or - 10 deg, where the stock stator plate is non adjustable. Most guys will run around 4 deg of advance. It will improve your bottom end and midrange punch.
  17. There's a huge debate on atvconnection about whether or not a blaster can climb choke at St. Anthony with an adult rider. I've gotta see for myself, gonna try it on the wifes blaster this summer! lol. :yelrotflmao: What do you guys think?
  18. PM Kevin Herr KEVSWS6, he's in Cali somewhere. He gets stuff out real fast.
  19. Your clutch will probably be just fine, depends on your riding. With the crank it's hard to say, I've heard of shees with only pipes that have slipped a crank, I would recommend the crank be welded with your mods.
  20. Check your carb sync, Make sure the slides are at the same height and that they open at exactly the same time.
  21. 35's will drown a stock shee, my mods are in my sig and I'm goin with 32 TM mikunis. I like the TMs because they are not priced out the ass and the TM 32 is the same body as the 34 so they can be bored to 35.5 if I want to later. I can get into a new set of TM's for $260 with cables.
  22. Measure from the cylinder deck to top of piston at TDC and again at BDC, stock is 54mm stroke.
  23. My shee was boiling over when I pushed her too hard in hot weather, switched to Engine Ice and haven't boiled it yet.
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