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Everything posted by steverb

  1. I run 22 on the rear its a lot better for rock clearance and have had no problem in the other terrain just had to put a 13 tooth front sprocket on
  2. yuk so thats what she look like when she wake up
  3. molson canadian im drinkin one right know! :beer:
  4. ya ive seen it its harsh how messed up these pepole can get. glade i bought a banshee and not the drugs
  5. :beer: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=534...91739&q=ps3 :beer:
  6. i have the toomy t6 with silencers and i was wondering about the loudness for the dunes in oregon. do you have to silence them with the hush kit or not?
  7. Live in BC and we don't have any shops for parts unless you want to pay threw the nose. So I order stuff from the states like rocky mountain, alba and if you look threw the dirt wheels mag you can find a lot of good shops if you don't want to pay so much for customs pick it up from a freight company on the other side of the border I bought some paddles and rims and it was 20.00 for costumes. Or have it sent by regular us mail ups is a rip off .
  8. dam!! now thats a kart. dose anyone have a kart with a banshee motor, with vid.
  9. im runing 290 with t6 pips and i ve gone from 0 to 7000 feet ran great. little sputer at 7000 feet i also had to cut the air box lid in half for better air flow
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