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HQ Noob

HQ Noob (1/5)



  1. Wallrats right just dail in your airscrews and youll fix your problem.I had the same problem with my banshee its the same model as your 05 SE.All you need to do is tune your airscrews and youll fix the problem.Mine was running rich really rich
  2. Your totally right bigred jetting jetting jetting
  3. Dude your sig says you already have t5's.....you just trying to hustle this guy
  4. It Could be a Transformer he did pay 7800 soo... A drag shee by day and a Hummer by night
  5. Looking for some t5's email me with some pics or if u aint got none a brief description Peteyvodka@sbcglobal.net
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