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Everything posted by LegendSS28

  1. damn...tell your wife shes a pretty tuff chick...
  2. Alright...can you please stop telling us what your going to do and actually do it. You have plenty of options right now, just pick the one you feel is best and go for it... good luck man
  3. that would be cool startin a shee up with a mouse inside....poor mouse
  4. Well I saw the Dale Earnhardt Edition Predator at the dealership yesterday, and that definatly gets the top for me. Second id prolly go with the new Honda 450. and third the banshee
  5. yea man...I dont see why people try to show off like that...I show much more respect for someobdy driving cautiously and not putting me in danger then someone driving like an ass...
  6. I agree...for the most part...32:1 sounds good
  7. Oh yea sredish, sorry to hear about your accident...hope your okay and get better soon
  8. They make coolheads for bikes? thanks
  9. I bet it would be close, I'm sure if one of the riders farted to give them some extra trust and horsepower they would win.
  10. alright guys...you know the deal..I got a 2003 CR125 and wanted to know from you guys(cause from the poll I know a few of you have bikes)what the best mods would be. No I don't need much more speed, I am looking more along the lines of reliability. I ride at a track, dont do much of anything else. Thanks
  11. Sorry to hear about the accident...I understand how you feel right now about the whole accident and that if he was never riding a quad it would have never happened. But like many others said, it is hard to blame the machine, when for it to do what it does, the human must opperate it. Please keep us posted on his condition, and wish him luck.
  12. Look man, Im sorry.....it was me Well no it wasnt but sorry to hear soem asshole did that....hope you get em
  13. I'd go with Works with resiviours....pretty cheap, good all around shocks.
  14. Try riding with the gas tank cap off
  15. Alright thanks guys...I am positive now that I need a clutch, or else the rear wheels will keep spinning. I will see if I can find that torq converter online....o yea, heres a link of the engine http://www.honda-engines.com/gx270.htm
  16. Sounds kinda low....didnt realize a stock CR125 made only 2 hp less
  17. Not bad, but why advertise your own site on a site already with the same topic?
  18. Dirtbikez, where on Long Island do you live? I'm in Port Jefferson, and was wondering if you rie or race at Island Motocross in Yaphank, NY?
  19. Hey guys, the pump on my 9 horse honda power washer just went, so i took it off the engine, and took the engine off the roller. The shaft is horizontal, so yes I'm pretty sure it will work. What I am wondering is will I need to put some type of clutch mechanism on it? Im pretty sure this is the engine...any help would be nice, thnaks
  20. lol...Cotten Eyed Joe is the funniest dude I've ever met
  21. As someone else said, I havent read all the post's so this might have been said already. My opinion, is Bush is an idiot. I understand that he wants to pursue a "war on terror," but I don't see why he attacked Iraq, at this time, especially when the job in Afghanistan is not over. I think he should slow down, get a hold of himself and take it one step at a time. He obviously didn't realize what these people are capable of when he declared major fighting over, so he obviously doesn't have much of a clue what he is doing and what is going on. Also, Bush tells us that he has improved homeland security and such. I believe this to an extent, but I can not be sure, when people who are supposed to have "special training" for the situation were in have not recieved any further training after 9/11. He should focus more on the United States, and homeland security rather than going out and attacking other countries, thus leaving our homeland open to attack. Just my opinion....Hope I don't gte bashed too hard for this
  22. Hey guys, how fast would a shee compare to a CR125...like how would it feel
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