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Everything posted by limitied03

  1. Sounds like a good deal...how long were they on the bike and do they have any dents, dings, etc...? if you got a pic email at wes_hermes@hotmail.com
  2. I just got some extra cash i want to spend of the shee payed all the bills and realized ive got extra money, haha a rare occurence ive been searching the net for hours and i cant really decide what i should get...i dont need pipes, those are coming at christmas, id really like something for performance wise.....so as of know im open to suggestions...keep in mind my budget is about $200 bucks... B-Day today baby 21 finally
  3. its all a matter of your own preference.....ive got vitos in mine and i like them, will definatly put them in next rebuild....
  4. Yeah you definatly need a heat gun and not a hair dryer...i got a few when my cousin thrashed the banshee and took all of them out.....but they werent bad at all......
  5. hmm thats wierd how so many ppl have problems....i wash mine after every ride and i spray her down pretty good and make sure i have Everything spotless...and it fires right up after every wash...
  6. hmm im no expert but maybe check your reeds, and or it could be the crankseal barely starting to leak...well you said its smokes while at idle and goes away at WOT...maybe nothings wrong...i mean all 2 strokes smoke some more than others. Mine smokes a little at idle but once im on the gas it goes away but check those two things, but as for any other problems....hmm better get the banshee guru's
  7. Well since this IS the info thread i guess i should put what i'll be in up there...92 Chevy ext. cab maroon...03 limited edition banshee, and a YZ 250 or a CR 125 dirtbike...and if all goes well i should be following sredish
  8. And that reminds me sredish if i go and meet you at your house when would you want me to be there? from the drive it looks like id have to come up the night before and stay in a hotel for the night or something.....jus lemme know...
  9. well i think so? i have a short attention span... sorry if i side tracked anyone, haha
  10. haha 9 hour trip? ive got about a 12 hour trip ahead of me if i go...which things are looking up sooo... so bigboy will you be up at LS on the 22nd?
  11. Yea i just started having problems with mine coming loose, after about an hour of hard riding on the track..i can hear the chain start slapping....i lost the top nut a while back and was going all over town like a mad man to find a nut to fit that shit.....
  12. i was looking at those earlier today....couldnt decide if i wanted to buy jus the tire or the tire and rim combo...this is my first trip to the dunes so i have allll kinds questions...i feel like a newbie in the HQ again should i bring my dirt tires with me or will i be ridin in nothing but sand? and is there anything i should bring that the average person wouldnt? haha besides a good head on my shoulders and plenty of booze
  13. this is kind of off topic(but it is in the sand forum)..ive got 18 holeshots on my shee right now with stock gearing and the stock pipes back on, and i was thinking about buying some paddles and i was wondering what ya'lls opinion is on whether i should just roll with what i got or go with paddles for the LS trip?
  14. Well im in college right now at Texas State Technical College for Enviromental, Health and Safety...pretty much im gonna be the prick everyone hates at the plants and job sites...Safety man, haha...but im gonna try to get a job for an insurance company well other than college i work at Texas Title Company, pretty much doing whatever they need done, it pays the bills and i work at Cycle Worx, its a local bike/quad/harley shop....2 jobs and college 5 days a week, im loaded down
  15. man i had no problem changing mine....it slid right on out with no problems....but then again it was only 2 weeks old..
  16. Im with you on that one....if i make it up there im gonna just pitch a damn tent be done with it.....
  17. Thats what i keep telling my buddy everytime we go ride but i always get the same ol shit from him " Damn four wheeler queers" I give him hell for riding bikes but man once he steps on the track boy can he RIIIIIIIIP!! i think i can manage...the chevy may be gettin old but she still runs like a champ... thanks alot sredish
  18. alright cool...didnt want my buddy to bring his YZ 250 all the way up there and not be able to ride...only reason i asked was because it talked about four wheelers and dune buggys but nothing about bikes..... thanks
  19. i was reading the little sahara site and it says nothing about dirtbikes on there so are they not allowed?? and the thing about the lights...i dropped those hoes a long time ago...im guessing its only if you ride at night? ok i feel dumb now for asking those questions...but just wanna be sure before i drive all that way
  20. Hey sredish im thinkin about going up there....with all the HQ guys going this would be a good chance to meet all the ppl that ive been talking to on here for the last year or so.....if i decide to guy me and my buddy might go....is there any way i could meet you at your house and follow you up there? later
  21. Thanks alot fixitrod...i got my new clutch perch today....gonna go put it on right now...
  22. hey westexgt i see your from texas.....maybe we can hook up sometime and go riding...by that area code someone gave you live close to odessa...i need to get off my ass and go dune riding...maybe us texas boys can go git'er done
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