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Everything posted by limitied03

  1. thats what i was fixing to say huevos 3 has badass clip of a banshee skimming a pretty good ways
  2. limitied03


    i was wondering if all you other guys could give me some pointers cuase right now thats my weakest point is cornering....watching the tapes of my last few races thats where ppl really gain on me...and all my buddies ride bikes so they're no help....
  3. DAMN YOU!!!!!! haha i was all concentrating harder than hell thinking hell yeah im gonna see some booty them BAM!! scared the shit out of me...i think i lost my wood
  4. Man you just dont know when to quit do you? please do us all a really big favor GO f*ck#&@ KILL YOURSELF
  5. I became a civil processor to do for a 2nd job...delivering divorce papers and other citations to ppl. Can get a little scary sometimes, ppl getting pissed off and cussing and yelling. Had the cops called on me a time or two..but hell its money baby...60 bucks a paper and alot of times i usually serve two to one person, 120 bucks for going to someones house and handing them some papers...cant get much better than that
  6. i feel ya man...i mean its chump change compared to what you spent but its my money that i worked hard for and i really wanted that shirt, haha
  7. Has anyone ever ordered anything from Dana Creech Racing? i ordered a shirt there like 2 weeks ago and stll havent received it and it didnt say anything about being on back order and there isnt a damn number to call them. Im starting to get pissed off that shit cost me 27 bucks....if i dont get it i could use the money to save up for the shee
  8. i like to wear shift and answer
  9. Hey screaming_banshee i like your signature, you must be a Tool fan
  10. I got some T5's and they are bare and i usually put a light coat of WD on them and i was jus wondering what everyone else does with bare pipes? and is painting them the way to go? i kind of like to look of the bare pipes...see the welds and everything....
  11. haha naww..i got my new chapparel magazine sometime last week and i ordered it and got it today...
  12. I just got my new huevos 7 video today....pretty badass!!! another edition to my video collection....so far ive got every huevos video...hope they keep them coming
  13. Are you kidding me? the airbox shoudl take about 2 minutes to get off...i usually take the rear plastics and silencers off and makes it 10 times easier and i can do all that in under 5 minutes....
  14. I like my pipes after going to the track this weekend it was awesome...but i still want MORE power!!!...im thinkin porting...and some reeds and a pro design head for a X-mas present to myself...
  15. Well ive been where your at man and it doest help to get pissed at him..it helps alot....its her fault for even letting it continue...she could put a stop to it by simply saying no i have a b/f and quit asking me.....but women cant seem to get that through their head....but of course they want YOU to do it to your guy and girl friends....just drop them and get on her schedule....tell you what i say f*ck her and go ride your shee man...relieve some stress!! like a shirt i saw the other day "As i shifted into sixth i couldnt remember a thing she said"
  16. Man i just got my new toomeys jetted jus perfect and holy cow this thing screams...i cant believe i ever wasted money on that dynoport...junnnnk....my shee totally rips now, ive heard it over and over that pipes will make a big difference but i didnt think it would be like night and day....Wow... ok i just had to vent my excitement somewhere, where better than here where most of ya'll will appreciated the excitement im feeling.... wes
  17. they both are pro pegs with heel guards.....just different peg position 104-5800 stock peg position 104-5801 relocated pegs
  18. Everyone has different experiences....here in texas Most of the cops in my town will just talk to you a minute for riding on the road and let you go and then you always have a few bad apples who want to throw the fucking book at you...A**holes they are, no matter how nice you are to them, by the time they leave your thinking you stole the damn thing by how many tickets you got and how much he bitched you out...never happened to me but my buddy was unlucky....
  19. DG makes them....hmmm go to Chaparral man....cheapest place ive seen for AC pro pegs with the heel guards 199.99 or with relocated foot pegs set 2 inches back and 1 inch down 172.99 if you cant find it on the website heres the part number for both...104-5800, 104-5801 just type it in the search
  20. I dont know much about the passion motor but i'll support loco....i read that post about jetting the passion stroker and there were alot of ppl that had the same exact problem and no where did anyone blame jim or bust his balls...... jus tryin to help,
  21. nevermind.....found some help, damn search button does work.... sorry for the wasted post
  22. Bump, really need some help here folks
  23. I got me some toomeys and luckily everywhere i go ride i dont need spark arestors (sp) their expensive about 80 bucks a piece last time i looked...and i agree they look like shit
  24. ok i got my T-5s in a day early and i was gonna get my buddy who does all my motor work for me to rejet it but i think im gonna do it...id feel better knowing i accomplished something...i know how to change the main jet and the pilot...but what about changing the clip on the needle? how do i go about doing this? im still a newbie at this rejetting stuff....any help will be appreciated, pictures even more.. thanks wes
  25. The motor can be put in fully assembled i did it on mine when i got it rebuilt....took some swearing and sweat but i got'er done...not to mention in the dark with a flashlight in my mouth..the shop was full..
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