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dune tires in snow?! will it work? HELP!

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i just moved to alaska and its goin start to snow in october... So i wanna ride year round and was wondering if like dune paddle tires would work for snow??


like i know they have the 4sno tires and the zipper but i hear that the actual dune tires work better?? is it true?

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get a sled.. you start having problems in snow on a quad past about a foot... even with paddles


yes paddles work, i suggest a form paddle ( like a maxxis 4 snow) and not a tire like a skat trak


but once i sell/trade to get a sled i have no quad :( im young and got no job hahaha.... what would happen with the skat trks one??

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i run my paddle masters in teh snow when it gets much beyond like 5 or 6 inches here. but the other guys is right. much past a foot or foot and a half os snow, and there just isnt enough ground clearance.

iw ould say get a cheap sled as well. and try to keep the shee for the summer months. but i doubt a shee will do anything in the winter up thre. but idk, i havent been there yet, but it is on my life's TO DO list.

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i run my paddle masters in teh snow when it gets much beyond like 5 or 6 inches here. but the other guys is right. much past a foot or foot and a half os snow, and there just isnt enough ground clearance.

iw ould say get a cheap sled as well. and try to keep the shee for the summer months. but i doubt a shee will do anything in the winter up thre. but idk, i havent been there yet, but it is on my life's TO DO list.


its a very nice place just kinda cold just moved here bout 2 weeks ago tho so haha

come in thesummer cuz it stays light out from 4am. to 12 am

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zach u dumbass, u shoulda just asked me about the tires i ride all year round up here, i just go on the snow-mobile trails and out jim creek, i usr pure sports realators in the winter and summer i just flip em around in the deep snow,



hahaha i need to ride all year cuz my dirtbike will be no option in 3 feet of snow haha

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