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cascade heaby duty clutch kit

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Ok, so my brother bought a 2000 banshee that needed a bunch of work. We got it for a good price so it was worth it. It had T5's, K&N pods and I am going to advance the stator plate 4 degrees. That is basically it powerwise. The most major problem it had was that the clutch was shot. No worries, not that big of a deal. Well I was ordering a bunch of stuff from Cascade for my bike, so I bought one of their Heavy Duty Clutch kits and a Motion Pro terminator clutch cable from them. I got them installed today, and holy shit. I have never felt a clutch so damn stiff in my life. I'm 5-11 195 and it takes just about everything my left hand has to disengage that bitch. My brother is a little guy, no way this thing is going to cut it. Does this sound right?? I would say the clutch pull is easily double what it is on my bike which the previous owner told me was a heavy duty clutch (didn't know what brand) My plan as of now is to pull the cover back off tomorrow and put 3 of the stock springs back in to see if that makes it bearable for our pismo trip next week. The bike has a Sunline clutch perch and lever on it and the pull felt good stock, of course the stocker was slipping. I wouldn't mind it a little stiffer than before to prevent future clutch slippage, but this thing is rediculous. Do you think that putting 3 of the stockers in will make it bearable. How much of a difference does one of the easy pull levers make?? I might call FAST, I heard they have a really nice lever and perch set up. Wont be able to get it here in time for our trip, but maybe will help out in the futer. I just need to make it rideable for next week then I will have more time to mod shit. Has anybody out there run this Cascade clutch. The part number on the package is BHDC. Does this sound right, or did I get some kind of goof up? Any advice greatly appreciated.

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If it were my bike and it was just piped i would just use all 6 stock spring. FZR 1000 fibers (i belive that is what there kit usese) with stock springs would be plenty for a piped banshee.


Well I got it sorted out today. Come to find out it was a combination of things. First I tried putting my stock perch and lever on my brothers bike, and it made a big difference. Apparently the sunline piece of shit that was on there must have the wrong pull geometry or something cause like I said before it was unrideable, and that was no exageration. With the stock lever It was rideable, but still extremely stiff. Maybe if we would have had an EZ pull lever system it would be ok, but I am out of time. So I yanked the cover back off and replaced 3 of the cascade springs with the stockers. After alll of this, it is pretty good now. It still is considerably stiffer pull than stock but manageable. So FYI to anyone out there, the cascade clutch is one serious mutha. If it hooks up as hard as it is to pull with all 6 HD springs, it should hold some serious HP. jbooker82, thanks for the info. Like you said, it probably would have been fine with their fibers and steels with all stock springs, but this will give us some wiggle room to add power now. LOL Im just glad it all worked out. Now all I have to do is put the sprocket and chain on and wire up the headlights, and we are set to go to PISMO.

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I run 6HD springs in my raptor 660. I have the stock perch with those Moose levers with the rubber grips on the front. It pulls easier than the stock lever and stock perch with normal springs.


ASV C5 Pro lever and pearch is a sweet setup. Might look on ebay for new referbished ones to save some cash.

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Thanks for the info man. I was just searching around for different perches and levers but there are so many, I wasn't sure which one to go with. I will check those out. One thing for sure is the Sunline ones that were on there are big pieces of shit.

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